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The complainant has post-traumatic stress disorder and was a student at the respondent vocational training organisation. He alleged he was required to undertake a video assessment for a subject, which he was unable to do because of his disability.

The training organisation said that the training package and the standards imposed on it by the third-party regulator, required the respondent to be satisfied of a student's competency to meet the course requirements. In light of this, the respondent determined that the only way to meet its obligations was to have an assessor observe the student doing the assessment task. 

The complaint was resolved with an agreement that the complainant would engage with the respondent’s disability support unit to explore adjustments that could be provided to enable the complainant to safely undertake the video assessment. The respondent also undertook to assess whether an assessor could safely be sent to the complainant’s workplace and to provide the complainant with a single contact point moving forward.



Discrimination type
Disability Discrimination Act

Unlawful to contravene Disability Standards

Disability Standards Education Goods, services and facilities

Outcome details

Revised terms and conditions

Adjustments provided

