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25th Anniversary of the Sex Discrimination Act (Cth) 1984

SDA 25th Anniversary timeline

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Date Details
17 July 1980

Australia signs the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW).

2 June 1983

The first draft of the Sex Discrimination Bill 1983 (Cth) is introduced into the Senate by the Government.

16 December 1983

The Sex Discrimination Bill passes the Senate.

21 March 1984

The Sex Discrimination Bill receives royal assent.

1 August 1984

The Sex Discrimination Act 1984 (SDA) comes into effect.

The position of Sex Discrimination Commissioner in created by the SDA.

Pam O'Neil is appointed as the first Sex Discrimination Commissioner.

15 July 1985

Australia ratifies the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women.


Quentin Bryce is appointed as Sex Discrimination Commissioner.

16 December 1992

The SDA is amended to extend the prohibition of sexual harassment; allow for representative complaints; bring industrial awards under the act and introduce conciliation as a method for addressing victimisation.


Sue Walpole is appointed as Sex Discrimination Commissioner.


The SDA is amended to incorporate a preamble that recognises the need to prohibit discrimination and a statement on equality; include potential pregnancy as a ground of discrimination; include a definition of indirect discrimination and allow for special measures.


Moira Scollay is appointed as Acting Sex Discrimination Commissioner.


Susan Halliday is appointed as Sex Discrimination Commissioner.


Pru Goward is appointed as Sex Discrimination Commissioner.


The SDA is amended to ensure discrimination on the grounds of breastfeeding is prohibited in the SDA and prohibit the request information about pregnancy or potential pregnancy.


The Hon. John von Doussa is appointed as acting Sex Discrimination Commissioner.

Elizabeth Broderick is appointed as Sex Discrimination Commissioner.


The Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs report from the Inquiry into the effectiveness of the SDA eliminating discrimination and promoting gender equality recommends a range of changes to improve the SDA.


The SDA turns 25