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Age Discrimination

Elder abuse conference to drive positive change

The abuse of older Australians and how to prevent it will be the main focus of the 7th National Elder Abuse Conference this week of which Age Discrimination Commissioner, Dr Kay Patterson AO is the Walk the Talk Ambassador.

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Age Discrimination

Generational divide? It’s more myth than reality

Although antagonism between the generations is often seen as inevitable, the ‘generational wars’ we hear about are not supported by Australians themselves. A new report by the Australian Human Rights Commission, What’s age got to do with it? A snapshot of ageism across the Australian lifespan...

Category, Opinion
Age Discrimination

New campaign on the warning signs of elder abuse

A new campaign to raise awareness of elder abuse has been launched by the Australian Human Rights Commission to mark the International Day of Older Persons (1 October 2021).

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Age Discrimination

Safety and Security for Older Women

National Summit on Women’s Safety Safety and Security for Older Women Dr Kay Patterson Age Discrimination Commissioner Via Video Conference Tuesday 7 September 2021 Introduction I would like to thank Senator the Hon Marise Payne and Senator the Hon Anne Ruston for inviting me to speak at this...

Category, Speech
Age Discrimination

Statement on the Aged Care Royal Commission report

The Australian Human Rights Commission welcomes the publication of the final report of the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety. Following the findings and recommendations in the report, released today, the Commission would like to see the human rights of older people embedded in the...

Category, News
Age Discrimination

Attorneys-General Need to Act on Elder Abuse

Age Discrimination Commissioner Dr Kay Patterson is calling on the Council of Attorneys-General to agree to take immediate action on elder abuse at their meeting tomorrow to develop a timetable outlining its action plan. “Elder abuse is a blight on our society. Older Australians do not have time on...

Category, News
Age Discrimination

International Day of Older Persons

The International Day of Older Persons is an opportunity to consider the contribution made by older Australian workers and the importance of creating age friendly workplaces. The percentage of Australians aged 65 and over in the labour force doubled between 2000 and 2015 - and 20% of people over 70...

Category, News
Age Discrimination

Too old to work at 50: Survey

A new survey on attitudes to employing older workers has found that up to 30 per cent of Australian employers are still reluctant to hire workers over a certain age, and for more than two thirds of this group, that age was over 50. The survey of more than 900 human resource professionals was...

Category, News
Age Discrimination

National Press Club speech - Susan Ryan

“The ageing revolution is not over” - Last time I spoke here I called my address “the longevity revolution”, and asked, “crisis or opportunity?”. I intended that question as a challenge but it seems my challenge has not been met. We are as a community, still floundering on the crisis side of the binary. Our approach is still steeped in the language of “burden” and “deficits”. We are still failing to realise the opportunities that longevity can create for us.

Category, Speech
Age Discrimination

Older Women's Network International Women's Day Conference

I start by acknowledging the Gadigal people of the Eora nation. To all of you here today at the OWN conference, happy International Women’s Day for 2016. It has always been my approach to International Women's Day to mark the things we as women have to celebrate. As older women in Australia at this...

Category, Speech