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Finding and applying for a job

Disability Rights
A woman sitting at a desk who is working on her computer. She is dressed in red and has a hearing device.

Ambassador reflection...

Heid La Paglia headshot

IncludeAbility Ambassador, Heidi La Paglia, is currently employed as a Policy Officer who advocates for women’s rights. She describes her experience of volunteering early in her career and how it led to employment opportunities.

Heidi explains she “spent a lot of time and energy volunteering” and connecting with networks and people in her industry.

“While [my] roles were largely volunteer-based (they paid very little), I found that the exposure they gave me to women’s and disability sectors benefited me greatly; and are largely the reason for the employment opportunities I have had since leaving university.”

Heidi La Paglia
Policy Officer, Women with Disability Australia
IncludeAbility Ambassador


This guide is part of a suite of resources developed by the Australian Human Rights Commission as part of IncludeAbility to assist:

  • employers provide meaningful job opportunities to people with disability
  • people with disability navigate barriers to employment.

Explore our other Disability Employment resources.