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IncludeAbility - Equality at work

A person in a wheel chair sits at a desk smiling as they hand a document to a colleague

Resources for job-seekers and employees

We've put together a collection of tools and resources for people with disability seeking employment, progressing their career or considering self-employment.

Employees of a large supermarket chain engage at an event

Resources for employers

Explore our employer resources to help create meaningful employment opportunities for people with disability and accessible and inclusive workplaces.

Graphic opf people with a shared megaphone

Meet the IncludeAbility Ambassadors

The Ambassador Advisory Group is comprised of individuals with lived experience of disability, supporting the Employer Network and IncludeAbility in general.

Three dimensional blocks all connected in a network by string

Meet the IncludeAbility Employer Network

The IncludeAbility Employer Network helps organisations create meaningful employment opportunities for people with disability and create accessible and inclusive workplaces for everyone.

People celebrate the launch of the Good Sammy's pilot program

IncludeAbility Pilot Employment Programs

IncludeAbility Pilot Employment Programs have been a flagship opportunity to better understand and address the barriers that employers face when recruiting, retaining and advancing people with disability.