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HREOC Website: Isma - Listen: National consultations on eliminating prejudice
against Arab and Muslim Australias


|| Meeting Notes: 5 April 2003

Muslim Women's National Network
of Australia

Executive Committee Members,
Auburn City Library, Saturday 5 April 2003

The meeting was chaired
by Mrs Aziza Abdel Halim, President of the MWNNA and facilitated
by Omeima Sukkarieh, Community Liaison Officer, HREOC (notes). It was
attended by14 invited participants.

1. What are your experiences
of discrimination and vilification?

Has the community experienced
discrimination and vilification? Who is being affected?

There is a general
feeling among the group that the Muslim community, particularly women
wearing the Hijab, have been and continue to be ostracised in all aspects
of life. The discrimination and vilification of Muslims after 11 September
2001 left the majority of the community feeling "isolated and uncomfortable".

One of the participants
likened the experiences of Muslims, particularly women to that experienced
by her in South Africa during the Apartheid era. A few participants felt
the experiences of discrimination became so serious that they felt that
they were partaking in a "Jihad - an internal struggle" as a
coping mechanism.

Many of the women
in the group felt the problem had worsened after making the choice to
wear the Hijab, getting stares and being looked at twice. Like the experiences
after 11 September 2001, people they had worked well with or known well
suddenly changed their behaviour towards them, at school / university
and at work.

There is a general
recognition also that people don't ask about the religion because of wanting
to know more about it, but with the aim of ridiculing and embarrassing
the person.

has always been a "bad guy" in the world and it is now the
Arabs and Muslims. In Australia people don't distinguish between Arabs
and Muslims. And as long as there is no protection in the law then how
do we know our rights and how to use them".

A recent convert
to Islam said she hadn't personally experienced discrimination but does
believe that non-Muslims are not interested in meeting Muslims. She is
married to a Chinese Muslim who has had his fair share of experiences
of racist comments. They would much prefer to live in Darwin where everyone
is not of Anglo background.

Another convert who
chooses to wear the Hijab said she has suffered a great deal of discrimination,
and people make the assumption that she is either Turkish or Lebanese.
"People also make assumptions that I do not speak English, I am oppressed,
stupid and beaten by my husband".

Like many others,
she did not want to mix or meet with non-Muslims because she knew the
barrage of questions would come. Her daughter has also experienced discrimination
since the age of 6. Leaving her house to go to women's classes was also
a battle at times.

Another participant
said she is proud of being Lebanese Australian and promotes it as much
as she can. She doesn't mind sharing a joke about Islam with her close
friends because she knows that they have pure intentions, however it is
quite bothering at most times when it comes from others.

When she lived at
Wiley Park where Arabic was the main community group and language, there
was never an issue, and people were always proud of being Arab. Even the
language young people spoke was a mixture of Arabic and English. After
moving to Miller where at that time there were few or no Arabs, she found
herself living in an environment where there was a "racist Anglo-Saxon
way of thinking, where their way of life was the best way".

She used to be called
names in the street and at school such as "raganaught" and "towel
head". But she thanks those people because they made her stronger.

Like most young people,
she had resented her mother because she used to wear the Hijab. The first
fight she had over racist remarks was when she got fed up with the fact
that her brother was being beaten up because their mother picked them
up from school Now as she is older she regrets feeling this way and educates
people more about Islam in trying to break down the stereotypes, especially
of marriage and the roles of men and women.

A tertiary student
of Afghan background said that, like many others, she grew up with racism
which left her feeling like an "outsider". This feeling stopped
when she began attending Auburn Girls' High School, where most students
were of Arabic or Islamic background. However, she felt it again when
she decided to wear the Hijab about 4 years ago. She would be discriminated
against often, especially post 11 September. This would shock her every
time, however it made her stronger. It made her belief and knowledge stronger
in Islam and its teachings.

The group acknowledged
that the majority of people are not racist, but that this does not mean
that racism against the community is not a problem.

Where is it happening?

At work

The experience of
discrimination in the workplace told by the group was indirect as much
as it was direct. These experiences include being asked to change or simplify
their names at work, as it was felt that their names may deter customers
or clients.

Employers or immediate
supervisors as well as colleagues all seemed to lack education about Islam,
leading to discrimination against Muslims in the workplace. One participant
was asked after 11 September to take "that handkerchief off your
head", by a colleague who treated her very well before then.

Ramadan last year I was working in a warehouse and the lady who was
second in charge was very racist and aggressive towards me. Before wearing
the scarf everything was all right. People didn't look at me sadly.
After Ramadan finished, I took [the Hijab] off".

"I have
very recently converted to Islam and have told a couple of people at
work. I do not wear the Hijab but did so as part of National Headscarf
Day. On that day I was asked if I had a bazooka under my scarf by a
colleague." She believes that it will be a long time before she
does wear the Hijab.

At school, university

The group expressed
concerns that students at primary, secondary and tertiary educational
institutions, both in and out of the classroom, experience racism, mostly
indirectly. There are also concerns that the impacts of these incidents
appear to have gone unnoticed in classrooms.

people, even kids have turned against the system because they have been
left feeling alienated and scared. Experiences in schools have particularly
alienated them."

The group tells that
people, especially young people, are under a great deal of pressure, particularly
at school and the workplace to not comply with religious beliefs but to
"be more Australian".

The problem is widespread
whereby comments are thrown around the room as part of addressing the
subject / issue being studied at the time, by tutors/lecturers and other
students, although most questions are asked by people their age. Common
attacks in the tutorials against Muslims also include implications that
"Islam promotes laziness, polygamy and has no respect for females".
Another example included a Chemistry teacher at a university tutorial
discussing the capability of terrorists to build weapons, bombs, etc,
naming the terrorists and their religion.

F, a tertiary teacher
who has been in Australia more than 25 years, said she had never experienced
discrimination until a couple of years ago, when she started teaching.
During F's orientation she noticed that her name had been misspelt and
asked for a correction. However, her immediate supervisor said "that's
how I've spelt it and I want you to use the same spelling" and "haven't
you ever thought of anglicising your surname?" Subsequently F heard
her supervisor make derogatory remarks about Iranians and Indians. She
also treated F rudely and, when F raised her concerns she was transferred.
However, she refused the transfer. Eventually she was not offered any
further positions.

In shopping centres,
banks, government offices etc

A student at Macquarie
University, who started wearing the Hijab only 6 months ago has since
had a few experiences of discrimination and harassment, including being
verbally attacked and taunted by about 100 people at a shopping centre,
being told to "go back to your country". The group believes
that this is not an isolated incident but a common occurrence.

At home

After the Gulf Crisis
one participant was abused and insulted by a group of Anglo garbage collectors.
She contacted the Local Council and had them transferred elsewhere as
she feared for her safety considering they knew where she lived.

In the street
or public transport

Many Muslim women
are still fearful of catching public transport and even of travelling
in their own cars. Women are too nervous to go out, particularly in taxis
and on public transport. Many parents do not allow their daughters to
go anywhere. Young women have become even more isolated for this reason.

Many of the women
have had verbal attacks from passing males whilst they have been driving,
being called "terrorists", among other things.

Attacks whilst driving
were of serious concern. For example, one woman reported that, when she
was stopped at traffic lights behind another car, the other driver would
not move when the light turned green. When she overtook him both driver
and passenger yelled abuse, i.e. "you leb, go back to your country".

In the media

There are grave concerns
in the community that the media has played a very negative role in its
portrayal of the Muslim community. "This impacts on how people living
in the same neighbourhood perceive you."


Medical Centre
- One of the women was waiting to see a doctor with her husband and
when her husband's name 'Mohamad' was called, everyone looked up in fear
and anxiety.

Recreational facilities
- There has also been a significant increase in attacks against Muslim
women at women-only pools, eg. because of what they wear in and out of
the pool.

Internet -
Most people who do have access to the internet experience discrimination
on a daily basis through emails and internet sites.

2. What is being done to fight
anti-Arab and anti-Muslim prejudice and discrimination?

A volunteer tour
guide at the Auburn Mosque told how the position has enabled her to take
on any questions. The tours have been welcomed and there has been a very
positive response, especially when the mosque had an Open Day. This has
been one of the most effective ways of communicating to the public a positive
message, especially for school students. It is also effective for appropriate
representatives from the Islamic community to be invited to schools for
workshops not just for teachers but also for students.

Government strategies
and projects

There is a general
sense that there has been too much preaching to the converted and that
existing government initiatives have not been useful, rather that community
initiatives need to take place.

3. What more could be done
to fight anti-Arab and anti-Muslim prejudice and discrimination?


  • Take the anti-terrorist
    commercial off the air. It isolates Muslim women in scarfs and Aborigines
    in squares, as if singling them out even though their words don't indicate

  • Establishment
    of contracts [between the journalist and the interviewee] whereby media
    cannot distort what a person has said and then report this distorted

Schools / other
educational institutions

  • Principals of
    schools and multicultural liaison officers in government departments
    and the private sector are not doing enough. Rather than expelling students
    from school, principals and others should use the alternative dispute
    resolution style of dealing with racist incidents, i.e. discuss the
    racism and the incident openly.

  • Implement multicultural
    education in the school curriculum, with approved material from various
    Muslim communities/Islamic bodies. E.g. prevent school showing inappropriate
    and misguided movies such as "Not without my daughter" in
    religious and other classes.

  • Need for implementation
    of cross-cultural training in every course at university or school and
    in all sectors of the workplace, including corporate bodies taking this
    seriously. People conducting the training should be people who know
    what they are doing and have the adequate knowledge base also.

  • The focus of
    strategies needs to be on prevention rather than intervention, therefore
    the importance of educating children in schools as a preventative measure.

  • Parents' attitudes
    need to be changed so there is a need for education strategies through
    schools to target parents, as they teach their children at home. P&C
    meetings can be a good way of doing this and some have touched on this
    issue but more parents should be encouraged to attend these, especially
    those of Arabic background.

Isma Objectives

The meeting proposed
the following strategies for achieving the six objectives identified by

Promoting positive
public awareness

  • Advertise in local,
    ethnic and mainstream newspapers about positive aspects of Islam and
  • Encourage the
    organisation of more Mosque Open Days, as this is a strategy which appears
    to attract many people already.
  • Prominent personalities
    should stand up publicly on this issue, getting the government and others
    to portray Islam positively.

Challenging stereotypes

  • Provide funding
    for short films about stereotypes, etc to address the issue as films
    are very effective, especially among young people.

relationships between communities

  • The community
    is obligated to educate the wider community about Islam, on a small
    scale as well as large scale. This would lead Anglo Saxons to be embarrassed
    about how other Australians treat people, especially other Australians.
    And people are becoming like this now.

Improving public

  • There is a need
    for security guards and shopping centre management to be more educated
    and take appropriate action where necessary.

Informing communities
about their rights

  • Providing funding
    for short films (made by young people for young people) about 'their
    rights' to address the issue.

  • There is a general
    belief that the Muslim community shouldn't be apologetic but be educated
    enough to respond about their religion and the law.

complaints are taken seriously

  • Bodies such as
    HREOC and the ADB need to be proactive in informing organisations across
    all sectors of the importance of the existing law, i.e human rights,
    access and equity, EEO, etc and ensure that all workers are adequately
  • Federal and state
    laws need to be amended to include religious vilification of Muslims,
    in order for complaints and the issue to be taken seriously by the Arabic,
    Islamic and wider community.

4. Other issues and suggestions

  • If you focus
    on a training or meeting and have Islamic in the title, people won't
    attend. There needs to be a more alluring, attractive title.

  • Events focusing
    on this issue should be done more tactfully, eg. using food and music.