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Inquiry into the Counter-Terrorism Legislation Amendment Bill (No.1) 2014

Download PDF Download Word (241.55 KB)   Table of Contents 1. Introduction 2. The Control Order regime 2.1 Expanding the grounds for a control order 2.2 A less targeted proportionality analysis 2.3 Attorney-General's consent 1 Introduction 1. The Australian Human Rights Commission makes this brief submission to the Parliamentary...

Category, Submission

Migration Amendment (Complementary Protection and Other Measures) Bill 2015

  1 Introduction 1. The Australian Human Rights Commission makes this submission to the Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee in relation to its inquiry into the Australian Government’s Migration Amendment (Complementary Protection and Other Measures) Bill 2015 (Cth) (Bill)...

Category, Submission

Law Seminar 2007: Stolen Wages - The Way Forward by Robynne Quiggin

I'd like to begin by acknowledge the traditional owners of the land on which we meet, the Gadigal people. I would also like to acknowledge elders and colleagues here today, Senator Trood, Johnathon Hunyor, and to thank President Von Doussa for inviting me here today.

Category, Speech