National Anti-Racism Framework

The Australian Human Rights Commission has launched a plan to develop a National Anti-Racism Framework. The Framework will be a long-term, central reference point to guide actions on anti-racism by government, NGOs, business, educators, health professionals, police, other justice authorities, civil society, and the community.
In 2022, the Commission launched its initial Scoping Report for a National Anti-Racism Framework. The scoping report provides an initial evidence-based summary of what the Commission heard during consultations with the public, peak and community organisations, experts, service providers, human rights agencies, and government at all levels on the scope and vision for a Framework.
Since its release, dedicated funding has been allocated to amplify and progress the scoping report’s findings. A community guide to the scoping report is now available for download. This community guide outlines the principles, cross-cutting and sector-specific themes identified in the initial scoping phase. The guide also provides information on several support services and reporting tools available to First Nations and other negatively racialised communities across the country:
A Commission Concept Paper, released in March 2021, provides an initial overview of the Framework’s key principles, outcomes and strategies. The Commission is currently working with all levels of Government, peak bodies, human rights agencies and community organisations to progress the Framework.
The Commission invited public submissions on the Framework from 21 October to 4 February 2022.
From March 2021 to April 2022, the Commission consulted with the public, peak and community organisations, experts, service providers, human rights agencies, and government at all levels on the scope and vision for a Framework.
The Commission is undertaking further targeted scoping consultations in 2023. If your organisation is interested in participating in this process, please contact the Commission at
The Commission has developed a Conversation and Consultation Guide, which organisations can draw on should they wish to host their own consultations on the Framework. The Guide provides an overview of the Concept Paper, a detailed list of questions that organisations may wish to draw on, suggestions for consultation formats, and some prompts to support consultations that are rights-based, safe and inclusive. The Commission encourages organisations interested in hosting a consultation to contact the Race Discrimination Team at for support with planning.
The findings of consultations and the submissions process informed the National Anti-Racism Framework Scoping Report.
If you would like to get in touch with us about the National Anti-Racism Framework, please use this contact form.