Race Discrimination Guides

Guides and advice by the Australian Human Rights Commission
The Commission may issue guidance and advice to assist persons and organisations with responsibilities under the legislation to avoid discrimination and meet their responsibilities. This guidance or advice is not legally binding regulation.
- Race Hate and the Racial Discrimination Act (2016)
- At a glance: Racial vilification under sections 18C and 18D of the Racial Discrimination Act 1975 (Cth) (2013)
- Guide to the Racial Hatred Act (2003)
For employers
- A step-by-step guide to preventing discrimination in recruitment (2014)
- Good practice guidelines for internal complaint process (2014)
- Targeted recruitment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people: A guideline for employers (2015)
What should you do if you experience racism?
Making a complaint
Do you think you have been discriminated against because of your race, colour, national or ethnic origin? Review this guide to Complaints under the Racial Discrimination Act
Further reading
- Commit to learning to address racism in a meaningful way on the It Stops With Me website
- Understand why racism is a problem?
- Explore who experiences racism?
- Explore human rights teaching resources relating to racisma
- Review the Australian Human Rights Commission's Anti-Racism Framework