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Disability Rights19 March 2024Webpage
IncludeAbility - Equality at work
Explore these resources supporting employers to provide opportunities for people with disability, and people with disability to navigate pathways to employment. -
Disability Rights24 June 2015Webpage
Willing to Work – Consultations
Back to Willing to Work main page Consultations Consultations have now been conducted in every capital city and some regional centres. The consultations are a critical part of understanding the key concerns and challenges, as well as identifying leading practices and effective strategies. The Inquiry is interested in hearing the views, experiences and ideas for change from as many people as … -
Disability Rights14 December 2012Speech
Telstra / Diversity at work forum
I am sure I am not the first person to say it, but it seems to me that there are particularly important reasons for a telecommunications company such as Telstra to be interested in diversity. -
Disability Rights25 July 2016Publication
Willing to Work: Good Practice Examples for Employers (2016)
Some employers, particularly small businesses, told us that they would have liked to do more to hire and retain employees with disability and older employees, but were time-poor and had limited resources and access to information. For this reason, we have produced this resource which sets out our recommendations to businesses, examples of existing good practice and a list of available… -
Disability Rights19 August 2015Publication
Willing to Work - Booklet 1: about the National Inquiry
Explore a series of booklets that are part of a National Inquiry in to employment discrimination against older Australians and Australians with disability. -
Disability Rights25 August 2015Publication
Willing to Work - Booklet 2: employment and older Australians
Explore what older Australians and those with a disability can do when they encounter employment discrimination. -
Disability Rights14 December 2012Speech
Adaptable Departments - disability action plans and what makes them work
I am very pleased to be able to contribute to this Forum and would like to congratulate the co-convenors, Rhonda and Fiona, and their organisations for this initiative, which is just one part of the Disability Advisory Council's Disability Action Plan Project running throughout 2006. -
Disability Rights25 August 2015Publication
Willing to Work - Booklet 4: what you can do about employment discrimination
Disability Rights18 December 2023News story
Webinar: Lessons from disability employment project IncludeAbility
The IncludeAbility pilot programs How can we reimagine disability employment in Australia, to the benefit of individuals, organisations, and the wider community? Watch this webinar, delivered in November 2023, to learn about the Australian Human Rights Commission’s successful IncludeAbility disability employment project, and how the insights gained can pave the way for a better future… -
Disability Rights29 May 2023Speech
Consumer protection: Why diversity and inclusion matters
Disability Discrimination Commissioner Dr Ben Gauntlett's keynote speech at the ACCC International Consumer Protection and Enforcement Network (ICPEN) Conference Dinner in 2023. -
Disability Rights20 September 2022Speech
Disability Discrimination Commissioner's Speech at the 2022 Jobs and Skills Summit
The participation rate for people with disability is and has remained at 53% for 28 years. The participation rate for people without disability is 83%. -
Disability Rights6 October 2020Submission
People with Disability and Employment (2020)
Submission to the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability -
Disability Rights4 April 2024Webpage
Audrey O'Connor
Hear IncludeAbility Ambassador Audrey O’Connor’s thoughts on working with disability, her career journey and why meaningful employment matters to her. -
Disability Rights13 March 2024Webpage
Resources for job-seekers and employees
Explore our resources for people with disability who are looking for work, advancing their career or thinking about self-employment. -
Disability Rights27 February 2023News story
Pilot program for young people with intellectual disability
A collaboration between the Western Australian charity Good Sammy, the Commission, and Woolworths has created a new opportunity for young people with intellectual disability. About 20 Good Sammy employees aged 16-35 are working in roles including grocery, customer service and bakery during a 12-week pilot program. Good Sammy will hold the employees’ existing roles open for them during the… -
Disability Rights14 June 2023Speech
Disability Discrimination Commissioner's intervention at COSP16
Intervention on behalf of the Australian Human Rights Commission By Dr Ben Gauntlett, Disability Discrimination Commissioner, at the 16th Session Of The Conference Of States Parties To The CRPD Madam Vice-President. The Australian Human Rights Commission, an A-status National Human Rights Institution, welcomes the overarching theme of this year’s Conference of State Parties concerning… -
Disability Rights28 November 2023News story
Commission welcomes new Disability Discrimination Commissioner
The Australian Human Rights Commission welcomes the appointment of Rosemary Kayess to the role of Disability Discrimination Commissioner. “On behalf of Commissioners and staff I warmly welcome Ms Kayess to the Commission. She is a leading disability and human rights lawyer who has been extremely influential in her work in international human rights law for people with disability,” said… -
Disability Rights21 March 2024Webpage
Meet the IncludeAbility Employer Network
Meet the Employer Network – organisations producing meaningful employment opportunities for people with disability, and creating accessible and inclusive workplaces. -
Disability Rights30 January 2024Webpage
Disability Rights
Everyone has the right to be safe and free from discrimination, regardless of ability. Learn more about human rights for people living with disability. -
Disability Rights19 July 2019Speech
Remember disability policy and research deals with the everyday lives
The following speech was an introductory address delivered by Disability Discrimination Commissioner Ben Gauntlett at a policy forum convened by the Centre for Research Excellence in Disability and Health, held in Canberra on July 18, 2019. Good morning and welcome to today’s policy forum, which has been organised by the Centre for Research Excellence in Disability and Health (CRE-DH). First…
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