Refine results
Rights and Freedoms7 March 2025Webpage
Australia’s Fourth Universal Periodic Review
The Universal Periodic Review (UPR) is a peer-review dialogue undertaken by the United Nations (UN) Human Rights Council and all 192 Member States of the UN -
Sex Discrimination7 March 2025Webpage
Where to seek help if you've experienced workplace sexual harassment
Find out what options are available to you to seek help if you have experienced workplace sexual harassment depending on your individual circumstances. -
Disability Rights30 January 2024Webpage
Disability Rights
Everyone has the right to be safe and free from discrimination, regardless of ability. Learn more about human rights for people living with disability. -
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice4 August 2023Webpage
The Voice and human rights
The Statement of Compatibility confirms that the Indigenous Voice to Parliament Bill is consistent with the realisation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ right to self-determination, with the right to equality and non-discrimination, and promotes the right to take part in public affairs. -
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice4 August 2023Webpage
Indigenous Rights & the Voice
The Indigenous Voice to Parliament referendum proposes a mechanism that addresses Indigenous peoples’ right to participation in decision making, and the right to consultation with government. The Voice could also promote the realisation of other human rights for Indigenous peoples, including to ensure the full realisation of rights to health, education, housing and the protection of Indigenous… -
Education11 September 2023Webpage
Disability rights training
Upskill your team in disability models, barriers to equal participation, legislative frameworks, and how to apply disability rights knowledge and skills in the workplace. -
22 February 2024Webpage
Free + Equal Human Rights Conference
Hear from Australia's leading human rights advocates about how a Human Rights Act will put all our rights in one place and create a common tool for justice for people in Australia. -
Technology and Human Rights25 May 2023Webpage
About Human Rights and Technology
Human Rights-Centred Design and Deployment Too often the technology industry adopts a 'move fast and break things' ethos, pursuing innovation with reckless abandon. Human rights are often overlooked in this race when designing and deploying new and emerging technologies. The Australian Human Rights Commissioner, Lorraine Finlay, seeks to ensure human rights-centred design and deployment of… -
Children's Rights29 September 2021Webpage
About Children's Rights
Just like adults, children have human rights across the full spectrum of civil, cultural, economic, political and social rights. -
Commission – General29 June 2023Webpage
Australian Human Rights Awards
Honour and celebrate individuals and organisations striving to defend and protect the human rights of people in Australia. -
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice7 September 2023Webpage
United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
Information about the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. -
22 November 2023Webpage
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights: 75 Years On
A video series commemorating the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights that hears from a diverse group of Australians about what human rights means to them and where the nation still needs to improve. Disability rights, Indigenous, children's, women's, LGBTQIA+ rights, and the rights of refugees and asylum seekers are all featured. -
Business and Human Rights22 February 2021Webpage
Business and Human Rights
Read the latest news regarding how the Human Rights Commission works to ensure businesses respect human rights regardless of their location or size. -
25 March 2020Webpage
Human Rights Awards
The Human Rights Awards recognise contributions of individuals and organisations across Australia who champion human rights, social justice, and equality for all. -
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice31 July 2023Webpage
Voice Referendum: Understanding the referendum from a human rights perspective
The Commission has produced a resource kit to encourage the Australian public to consider the Uluru Statement from the Heart and the Indigenous Voice to Parliament referendum through a human rights lens. The resources seek to minimise harm by encouraging cultural humility and focusing the conversation on human rights principles as they relate to the referendum and proposed Voice to Parliament. -
16 December 2020Webpage
An introduction to human rights
Rights and Freedoms12 October 2020Webpage
The International Bill of Rights
Explore the International Bill of Rights, which consists of key United Nations human rights policies that define and protect a wide range of human rights. -
Education12 August 2020Webpage
Business and Human Rights (2015 and earlier)
Explore the intersection of business and human rights. -
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice2 August 2023Webpage
The history of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples advocating for the right to be heard
There is a long history of First Nations people advocating for the right to representation and participation in decisions that affect them. The events listed are a selection of moments in history when Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have taken action to call for large-scale change by Australian governments to realise their Indigenous rights, demonstrating the history leading to the… -
Commission – General5 September 2021Webpage
Human Rights Commissioner, Ms Lorraine Finlay
Learn about Lorraine Finlay, who commenced as Human Rights Commissioner in 2021 after working as a lawyer and academic specialising in human rights.