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Age Discrimination9 April 2015Project
Willing to Work: National Inquiry into Employment Discrimination Against Older Australians and Australians with Disability
National Inquiry into Employment Discrimination against Older Australians and Australians with Disability -
Technology and Human Rights4 August 2023Project
Artificial Intelligence and Discrimination in Insurance
Learn about the impact of AI on discrimination in insurance. -
Technology and Human Rights17 May 2023Project
Technical Paper: Addressing Algorithmic Bias in AI
Find out more about the risks of algorithmic bias and how to mitigate the associated human rights harms. -
Employers31 July 2020Project
Upholding the rights of older workers
With support from the NSW Department of Communities and Justice, the Commission has developed an online training package on Upholding the rights of older workers. Access to this online training package is free of charge. -
Business and Human Rights23 February 2021Project
Supporting business to combat modern slavery
The Commission and KPMG Australia are collaborating on the development of a range of practical, sector-specific guides to support businesses to understand and manage their modern slavery risks approach and to respond effectively to the Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth). -
Business and Human Rights23 February 2021Project
Bringing a gender lens to the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights
In light of the unique and disproportionate ways that business-related human rights abuses are experienced by women and girls, in 2017 the UN Working Group on Business and Human Rights (Working Group) launched a project considering the gender dimension of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs). This project included regional consultations including a consultation in -
Rights and Freedoms21 August 2019Project
Freedom of Religion
For over 20 years now, the Commission has advocated for more comprehensive legal protection in Australia for freedom of thought, conscience and religion. -
Business and Human Rights19 March 2021Project
Tackling modern slavery and labour exploitation with the Cleaning Accountability Framework
The Australian Human Rights Commission has partnered with the Cleaning Accountability Framework (CAF) to tackle modern slavery and labour exploitation in the cleaning industry. -
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice28 May 2020Project
NILAC: National Indigenous Legal Advocacy Courses
The NILAC courses were transferred to Tranby - the National Indigenous Adult Education and Training Centre. Contact Tranby for more information on these courses. -
Race Discrimination12 July 2019Project
Sharing the Stories of Australian Muslims
The Race Discrimination Commissioner is undertaking a project to listen to and share the stories of Australian Muslims. Specifically, the project aims to build robust intelligence about the experience of Australian Muslims to inform the Australian Human Rights Commission’s work in promoting social cohesion and providing evidence for change. The project is an opportunity to identify community… -
Race Discrimination29 March 2021Project
National Anti-Racism Framework
Discover the National Anti-Racism Framework and its goals for a more inclusive society. -
Rights and Freedoms22 July 2019Project
Free and Equal Conference
The Free and Equal conference was the centrepiece of a national conversation and once-in-a-decade event. The conference was held at the Hyatt Regency Sydney on Tuesday 8 October 2019. -
Rights and Freedoms9 October 2020Project
Australia's Third Universal Periodic Review (UPR)
Learn about how every five years, the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) considers the progress of every country in the realisation of all human rights. -
Sex Discrimination10 October 2019Project
Indigenous Defence Project
Defence has requested the Australian Human Rights Commission to complete a project on the attraction, recruitment and retention of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in the Australian Defence Force (ADF) and Defence Australian Public Service (Defence APS). -
Race Discrimination19 August 2020Project
Racial Equality Review of Basketball Australia
In an ongoing effort to ensure that basketball is a truly inclusive sport, Basketball Australia has engaged the Australian Human Rights Commission to undertake a Racial Equality Review. -
Business and Human Rights16 July 2021Project
FIFA Women’s World Cup 2023: Human Rights Risk Assessment
The Australian Human Rights Commission partnered with FIFA (Fédération Internationale de Football Association) and the New Zealand Human Rights Commission (NZHRC) to conduct a human rights risk assessment for the FIFA Women's World Cup. -
Technology and Human Rights2 October 2023Project
HRIA Tool: AI in Banking
Learn more about the Commission's project on using ethical AI in decision-making in the banking industry to protect human rights. -
Sex Discrimination30 July 2020Project
Independent Review of Gymnastics in Australia
In a commitment to athlete safety and wellbeing, Gymnastics Australia has engaged the Australian Human Rights Commission to conduct an independent Review of the sport of gymnastics in Australia. -
Business and Human Rights23 February 2021Project
Director Briefings on responding to the Modern Slavery Act (2019)
Throughout October and November 2019 the Commission, the Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD) and KPMG Australia co-hosted a range of panel events for company directors in Canberra, Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne and Adelaide. The event series titled, Directors Briefing: Modern Slavery Reporting – Is your board ready? sought to assist board directors to understand their… -
Business and Human Rights23 February 2021Project
The Financial Sector: A Key Player in the Prevention of Modern Slavery event (2019)
The Commission co-hosted an event on 10 April 2019 with KPMG Australia and the UN-backed Liechtenstein Initiative for a Financial Sector Commission on Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking. The event drew a multi-stakeholder audience from the Australian investor, business and civil society community, and featured a panel of experts who highlighted the pivotal role of the financial sector in