Refine results
Asylum Seekers and Refugees7 October 2022Media Release
Joint Statement on the use of hotel APODs
This Statement provides guidance on the short-term use of hotel APODs, including access to open‑air exercise, access to meaningful programs and activities, and the need to ensure medical and welfare services are of the same standard as those provided in other immigration detention facilities. -
Age Discrimination7 April 2022Speech
Local Government’s role in promoting active ageing and wellbeing
Explore a speech by the Age Discrimination Commissioner regarding local government's role in promoting active ageing and wellbeing. -
Children's Rights14 September 2020Publication
Impacts of COVID-19 on children and young people who contact Kids Helpline (2020)
Kids Helpline and the Australian Human Rights Commission have co-authored a report on the impacts of COVID-19 on children and young people who contact Kids Helpline. -
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice3 June 2021Speech
Kimberley Remote Community Leaders Forum
Yaningi warangira ngindaji yuwa muwayi ingirranggu, Bunuba yani U. Balangarri wadjirragali jarra ningi – gamali ngindaji yau muwayi nyirrami ngarri thangani. Yaningi miya ngindaji Muwayi ingga winyira ngirranggu thangani. Yathawarra, wilalawarra jalangurru ngarri guda. I acknowledge the Yawuru people of the land we gather on today and I pay my deep respects to elder’s past, present and… -
Rights and Freedoms1 May 2021Media Release
Travel ban and sanctions on Australians travelling from India
The travel ban on Australian citizens returning from India, accompanied by criminal sanctions under the Biosecurity Act, raises serious human rights concerns. The Commission supports the continuation of aid to the Indian Government as it copes with the current COVID-19 crisis, but the Commission holds deep concerns about these extraordinary new restrictions on Australians returning to… -
Rights and Freedoms17 January 2019Speech
Echoes of breaking glass: reflections on Kristallnacht
CHECK AGAINST DELIVERY We know the basic facts of Kristallnacht. On the 9th and 10th of November 1938, mobs attacked Jews in Germany and neighbouring states. They did so freely; without restraint. Many Jews were killed, many more were injured, and many more than that were arrested and sent to concentration camps. Jewish businesses were destroyed; schools and cemeteries vandalised. Over 1000 … -
Commission – General14 September 2020Video
Celebrating human rights in 2020 - a different approach
Every year the Commission holds the Human Rights Awards to celebrate human rights achievements. However, given the extraordinary circumstances of 2020 we believe a new and different approach is needed to celebrate the many human rights heroes who have emerged this year. Stay connected with us on Facebook/Instagram for further announcements or sign up for our newsletter. -
Asylum Seekers and Refugees26 July 2019Media Release
Transferring asylum seeker families to Nauru – human rights report
The practice of sending to Nauru families with young children who arrived in Australia seeking asylum is the subject of an inquiry report by the Australian Human Rights Commission tabled in Parliament today. [1] Mr Richard Lancaster SC, as delegate of the President, found that the regional processing centre on Nauru was not an appropriate place to send families with young children… -
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice22 March 2019Publication
Close the Gap report – “Our Choices, Our Voices” (2019)
To address the widening life expectancy gap between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and non- Indigenous Australians, we have identified three priority areas that must be addressed. -
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice10 December 2020Publication
Wiyi Yani U Thangani Community Guide (2020)
This community guide sets out the major findings and cross-cutting themes that are explored in detail in the Wiyi Yani U Thangani report. -
Technology and Human Rights7 August 2023News story
Schools Should Prepare for an AI-Future
Learn more about how ethical AI can be used in schools and education to promote learning and strengthen human rights. -
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice30 March 2019Opinion piece
Our Choices, Our Voices - Celebrating Success on National Close the Gap Day
This Opinion Piece by June Oscar AO and Rod Little was published by Guardian Australia on Thursday March 21, to mark National Close the Gap Day When the Prime Minister Scott Morrison tabled the 2019 Closing the Gap report last month, we were again reminded about the lack of progress made to address the inequality between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians. We know the statistics. They… -
Asylum Seekers and Refugees23 October 2019Publication
Use of force in immigration detention
The issue of the use of force in immigration detention has been raised in a range of complaints against the Department of Home Affairs received by the Commission. This report deals thematically with 14 complaints. -
Sex Discrimination10 October 2019Project
Indigenous Defence Project
Defence has requested the Australian Human Rights Commission to complete a project on the attraction, recruitment and retention of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in the Australian Defence Force (ADF) and Defence Australian Public Service (Defence APS). -
21 October 2022Webpage
Classroom resources on equality and equity
Explore a range of teaching resources related to equality in areas such as education, disability, identity and sexuality, racism and refugees. -
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice15 February 2022Publication
Wiyi Yani U Thangani (Women’s Voices) - Implementation Framework (2022)
This Implementation Framework provides guidance for translating the substantial findings of the Report into meaningful action and provides examples of innovative First Nations women and girl-led initiatives across a wide range of sectors. -
Rights and Freedoms14 April 2023Media Release
Commission welcomes banning of spit hoods by AFP
A decision by the Australian Federal Police to end the use of spit hoods has been welcomed by the Australian Human Rights Commission. Today the AFP announced the AFP and ACT police will no longer use spit hoods, and instead the AFP will provide ‘alternative equipment and implement procedures to better protect officers from spitting and biting.’ The decision follows a review initiated last… -
Disability Rights11 September 2019Speech
Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities briefing with civil society (2019)
22nd Session of the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities briefing with civil society, Monday, 9 September 2019 Geneva, Palais des Nations Room XVII Opening Statement of Australian Human Rights Commission Dr Ben Gauntlett, Disability Discrimination Commissioner Thank you, Mr Chairman. I welcome the opportunity to make this … -
Commission – General9 December 2022News story
Outstanding advocates celebrated in 2022 Human Rights Awards
An Australian not-for-profit organisation Mahboba’s Promise has won the prestigious Human Rights Medal in the 2022 Human Rights Awards. Mahboba Rawi and Nawid Cina received the accolade at a ceremony hosted by the Australian Human Rights Commission Friday, 9 December. Other awards went to Caroline Cecile Fletcher (Young People’s Award), Scientia Professor Jane McAdam (Law Award), and Hotel… -
Sex Discrimination31 January 2024Webpage
Positive duty compliance and enforcement
Concerned about an organisation’s compliance with the positive duty? Complete our form to report work-related incidents of sexual related victimisation.