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Speeches, statements and articles by Hugh de Kretser

Law Institute of Victoria Legal Sector Dinner

Our legal system frequently provides unequal access to justice, with varying standards based on one’s identity, location, and financial status. A speech by Hugh de Krester.

29 August 2024

Melbourne Holocaust Museum Launch of "Critical Thinking is Critical”

Human rights are the key to creating the kind of society we all want to live in. The values at the heart of the work of this museum – humanity, kindness and fairness – are human rights values. A speech by Hugh de Krester.

22 August 2024

A Human Rights Act for Australia

Human rights are the blueprint for a decent, dignified life for all. Human rights are the key to creating the kind of society we all want to live in. A speech by Commission President, Hugh de Krester.

20 August 2024

Statement by Commission President Hugh de Kretser

Australian Human Rights Commission President Hugh de Kretser has expressed concerns about calls for Palestinians fleeing Gaza to be denied entry to Australia.

19 August 2024