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Rights and Freedoms14 December 2012Project
Counter-terrorism and human rights
Since the events in the United States on 11 September 2001, the Australian Government has introduced more than 40 new counter-terrorism laws. Amongst other things, these laws have created: -
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice14 December 2012Project
Close the Gap: Indigenous Health Campaign
Working together to achieve health and life expectation equality for Australia's Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. -
Disability Rights14 December 2012Project
The Overlooked Consumers
A Discussion Paper examining the Access, Challenges and Emerging Possibilities for Consumer Electronics and Home Appliances. -
Race Discrimination14 December 2012Project
In our own words - African Australians: A review of human rights and social inclusion issues (2010)
In 2007, the former Race Discrimination Commissioner, Tom Calma, had a vision to develop a human rights initiative based on the experiences of African Australians, to inform future policy and programs. -
Race Discrimination8 November 2016Project
Kep Enderby Memorial Lecture Series
The Australian Human Rights Commission has established the Kep Enderby Memorial Lecture to honour the memory of the Hon. Kep Enderby QC (1926-2015), who as Attorney-General introduced the Racial Discrimination Bill in the House of Representatives on 13 February 1975.