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Sex Discrimination12 September 2018Media Release
Sexual harassment in Australian workplaces widespread and pervasive
The Sex Discrimination Commissioner Kate Jenkins will release new figures today that confirm people have told the Commission that sexual harassment is widespread and pervasive and has increased significantly from the last survey six years ago. Commissioner Jenkins will detail the results of the Australian Human Rights Commission’s report Everyone’s business: Fourth national survey on sexual … -
14 December 2012Book page
3 The Commonwealth’s understanding of the usefulness of biomedical markers for age assessment purposes
This chapter considers the Commonwealth’s approach to the use of biomedical markers to assess age since wrist x-rays became a prescribed procedure for the purpose of age determination following the enactment of the Crimes Amendment (Age Determination) Bill 2001 (Cth). It also considers what each relevant Commonwealth agency knew, or should have known, about the value of specific age… -
Rights and Freedoms1 May 2013Publication
Human rights issues raised by the third country processing regime
The Commission recognises the importance of effective border management and recognises that Australia has a right as a sovereign State to exclude non-citizens from its territory. However, Australia also has international obligations in relation to asylum seekers who come here, including those who arrive by boat, which must be observed in its border management practices. This paper provides a… -
14 December 2012Book page
Native Title Report 2003 : Chapter 2 : Native Title Policy - State and Commonwealth profiles
Human rights principles require that Indigenous people's relationships to land, based on traditional laws and customs, be given legal recognition and protection. International legal principles also recognise that Indigenous peoples have economic, social and cultural human rights. Native title, as it is constructed through the Australian legal system, has a limited capacity to meet these human… -
Legal30 January 2019Submission
Telecommunications and Other Legislation Amendment (Assistance and Access) Bill 2018
1. Executive summary The Australian Human Rights Commission (the Commission) makes this submission to the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security, in response to its review of the Telecommunications and Other Legislation Amendment (Assistance and Access) Bill 2018 (Cth) (the Bill). The Explanatory Memorandum states that the purpose of the Bill is to introduce measures to… -
29 January 2013Book page
Appendix J – Examples of Best Practice from International Contexts
Introduction and Methodology As indicated in the body of the Report, the Review examined a range of international defence academies identified as bearing the greatest similarity to ADFA in terms of size, structure, or the wider contexts within which they functioned. [505] The Review conducted a broad ranging scan of Government and Defence Force inquiries, reports and evaluations; as well as… -
14 December 2012Book page
Social Justice Report 2007 - Chapter 2: Indigenous communities dealing with family violence and abuse
Family violence and abuse occurs at unacceptable rates in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (Indigenous) communities. We have heard many tragic stories of women, children and young people who have experienced devastating sexual abuse and family violence. It is a scourge that is causing damage and trauma among Indigenous communities, to our women and children, and to the fabric of Indigenous… -
Disability Rights3 August 2016Publication
Access for all: Improving accessibility for consumers with disability
Introduction This resource provides practical tips for businesses on improving access to goods, services, facilities, premises and information for consumers with disability. Following these tips will not only reduce the likelihood of discrimination complaints against your business, but will also increase your access to the market, and benefit the community, through greater economic…