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Commission – General14 December 2012Speech
President speech: Human Rights Consultation Gala Dinner
May I begin by acknowledging the traditional owners of the land on which we meet, the Wurundjeri people, and pay my respect to their elders past and present. -
Legal26 March 2015Submission
Inquiry into the Commonwealth’s Treaty-Making Process
Download PDF Download Word 1 Introduction and summary The Australian Human Rights Commission makes this submission to the Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade References Committee in its Inquiry into the Commonwealth’s Treaty-Making Process. The Commission is established by the Australian Human Rights Commission Act 1986 (Cth) and is Australia’s national human rights institution with an… -
Legal14 December 2012Webpage
National Human Rights Consultation - Appendix 5
The Commission conducted a series of national workshops in each state and territory to support community sector engagement in the Consultation. The workshops included general community sector organisation workshops as well as some sector-specific workshops and briefing sessions with refugee groups, disability groups and Indigenous groups. The Commission also conducted workshops aimed at community… -
27 March 2015Book page
3 Key issues emerging from the consultation
Right to freedom of expression Right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion Right to freedom of association Property rights The objective of Rights & Responsibilities 2014 was to actively seek and listen to people’s views across the country about how well their rights and freedoms are protected in Australia. This process provided an opportunity to identify systemic human rights… -
Legal14 December 2012Webpage
Tasmanian Human Rights Charter Consultation (2010)
The Commission congratulates the Tasmanian Government on making significant progress towards the legislated protection of human rights and promoting community discussion about human rights. -
Technology and Human Rights7 March 2024Project
Neurotechnology and Human Rights
Learn more about the Australian Human Rights Commission's project on the human rights risks associated with neurotechnology. -
Commission – General14 December 2012Opinion piece
Take judges out of human rights process (2009)
Predictably, opponents of a human rights act reacted swiftly to Mr McHugh's comments, misrepresenting concerns about specific aspects of one model of a human rights act as a reason to reject any such act. -
Legal14 December 2012Webpage
National Human Rights Consultation - Appendix 6
My brother was just walking down the street with his friends ... the police officer said to him ‘I’ve been doing this for so long, I know how to pick youse’. And, like, just because of the way they were walking and the way they were dressed. He had a backpack on. The police pulled over and said ‘what’s in your backpack, let me look in your backpack’. -
Legal14 December 2012Webpage
Vic Human Rights consultation committee
The Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission (HREOC) thanks the Human Rights Consultation Committee (the Committee) for the opportunity to make this submission. -
Commission – General14 December 2012Speech
President speech: The National Human Rights Consultation: Outcomes
I would like to begin by acknowledging the traditional owners of the land on which we meet, the Wurundjeri People of the Kulin Nation, and pay my respects to their elders past and present. -
Commission – General23 February 2016Publication
Consultation with National Peak Non-Government Organisations
Chris Sidoti - Secretary, Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission In welcoming participants to the Commission's first annual consultation with NGOs, Chris Sidoti said that the Commission saw three main objectives for the meeting: (a) to maximize exchange of opinions (b) to promote an increased awareness of the breadth of the field of action covered by human rights (c) to discuss -
Legal14 December 2012Webpage
Submission to National Human Rights Consultation (2009)
The Australian Human Rights Commission (the Commission) welcomes the opportunity to make this submission to the National Human Rights Consultation (the Consultation). -
Legal14 December 2012Webpage
Review Of The Claims Resolution Process In The Native Title System - Submission (2006)
The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner under section 209 of the Native Title Act 1993 (NTA), is required to report annually to the Commonwealth Attorney-General on the operation of the NTA and its effect on the human rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. As part of this role, the Commissioner also provides submissions to government reviews and… -
Rights and Freedoms8 April 2015Speech
Launch of the Rights & Responsibilities Consultation 2014 Report
Thank you for coming. It's a great pleasure to launch the report from our Rights and Responsibilities Consultation. Like my Commissioner colleagues, the role of Australia’s Human Rights Commissioner is to look at systemic public policy issues. No Commissioner investigates complaints from the public. That is the role of the President. On my arrival the President and I divided policy -
Rights and Freedoms22 March 2024Speech
The AHRC’s model for a Human Rights Act for Australia
ANU and Amnesty International Emeritus Professor Rosalind Croucher AM FAAL FRSA FACLM(Hon) [ Check against delivery] I would like to begin by acknowledging the Ngunnawal and Ngambri people, the traditional custodians of the land on which I am speaking today and pay my respects to elders past, present and emerging and to any First Peoples attending. The Australian Human Rights Commission, as… -
Legal14 December 2012Webpage
Consultation on exposure draft National Human Rights Action Plan
The Australian Human Rights Commission makes this submission to the Attorney-General’s Department on the exposure draft of a new Human Rights National Action Plan which the Department has issued for comment. -
Disability Rights14 December 2012Speech
DDA Standards and Regulation Impact Statements: Context and Process
Much of my mis-spent youth involved listening to rock bands. At that time the internet hardly existed, as opposed to the ubiquitous role it now plays in our lives. That's a shame for many reasons, one of them being that had it done so, I could have justified my time by contributing to . This is a site which lists what people thought were the words of rock songs, and then what… -
Legal14 December 2012Webpage
National Human Rights Consultation - Appendix 2
The Declaration recognises the legitimate entitlement of Indigenous people to all human rights – based on principles of equality, partnership, good faith and mutual benefit... -
Legal14 December 2012Webpage
National Human Rights Consultation - Appendix 4
The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees the rights and freedoms set out in it subject only to such reasonable limits prescribed by law as can be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society.[13] -
Employers15 March 2024Speech
Leadership Recipes
Defence Estate and Infrastructure Group Annual Leadership Conference Canberra Emeritus Professor Rosalind Croucher AM President, Australian Human RIghts Commission Acknowledgement I first wish to acknowledge the Ngunnawal people who are the traditional custodians of this land, and to pay my respects to Ngunnawal Elders past, present and emerging. I also acknowledge any Indigenous guests…