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Legal14 December 2012Webpage
Temporary Exemption Application -Catholic Education Office
I am writing on behalf of the Catholic Education Office, Archdiocese of Sydney, ('the CEO') to request an exemption under section 44 of the Sex Discrimination Act ('the Act'). -
Rights and Freedoms14 December 2012Speech
Scarlett Finney was only six when she saw the brochures for the Hills Grammar School, set in park-like grounds in Sydney's outer suburbs. She indicated her keenness to attend "the school in the bush". Her parents were prepared to pay the fees, and saw the setting and curriculum as providing her with a great education. But the school refused her enrolment due to the… -
14 December 2012Book page
Annual Report 2007-2008: Chapter 5 - Legal Services
The Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Act gives HREOC the function of inquiring into complaints concerning breaches of human rights by the Commonwealth (or persons/organisations acting on behalf of the Commonwealth) and discrimination in employment. -
Complaint Information Service14 December 2012Publication
Alternative Dispute Resolution in education: case studies in resolving complaints of Disability Discrimination (2002)
The Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (DDA) came into effect in March 1993. The Act makes it unlawful to discriminate against people with a disability in many areas of public life. The purpose of the Act was to 'assist people with disabilities to exercise their rights as Australian citizens'(3) in recognition that 'people with disabilities are entitled to the same rights and same opportunities… -
Legal14 December 2012Webpage
Submission to the Expert seminar on Indigenous Peoples and the administration of justice (2003)
This submission is made by the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner on behalf of the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission (HREOC) of Australia. HREOC is Australia’s national human rights institution established by a law of the federal Parliament and operating in compliance with the ‘Paris Principles’ for national institutions for the… -
Legal28 January 2015Submission
Inquiry into the Telecommunications (Interception and Access) Amendment (Data Retention) Bill 2014
Australian Human Rights Commission Submission To The Parliamentary Joint Committee On Intelligence And Security Download PDF Download Word Table of Contents 1 Introduction 2 Summary 3 Recommendations 4 Human Rights Framework 4.1 Article 17 – the Right to Privacy 4.2 Article 19 – Freedom of Expression 5 Scope of dataset to be retained 6 Two year retention period 7 Access to retained… -
14 December 2012Book page
National Inquiry into Children in Immigration Detention
“I saw an Afghani guy cut his own throat in my compound – he was working with me in the kitchen that day, and after work, he went outside and he cut himself up everywhere. It was really hard. Even the officers started crying when this happened”. [17–year–old asylum-seeker] -
13 November 2014Book page
The Year in Review
Building understanding and respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms We all have a responsibility to respect the rights and freedoms of others. To make this a reality, the Commission works to build greater understanding of human rights and their importance in daily life. This is one of our two key priorities for 2011-2014. We work with a broad range of groups across the country,… -
14 December 2012Book page
Commission Website: National Inquiry into Children in Immigration Detention
I am pleased to present herewith a submission on behalf of the Association of Childrens Welfare Agencies, addressing key issues for the Inquiry into Children in Immigration Detention. -
14 December 2012Book page
Mandatory detention laws in Australia (2001)
This paper gives a brief overview of the mandatory detention laws currently operating in the Northern Territory and Western Australia. It examines their operation and gives some insights into how they have impacted on particular groups including young people and Indigenous Australians. It gives a critique of mandatory detention by reference to Australia's international human rights obligations,… -
14 December 2012Book page
Annual Report 2008-2009: Chapter 10
This year marked the end of my nationwide Listening Tour and the beginning of what has been a busy but rewarding time in my term as Commissioner. I am delighted to report that it has been an exciting year for progressing gender and age equality in Australia. The Listening Tour played an important role in setting the agenda for my term. In deciding where the Commission should focus its efforts, I… -
14 December 2012Book page
Part 4: Bystander interventions in violence prevention
Bystanders have received growing attention as a potential means of violence prevention. Amongst efforts oriented towards the primary prevention of domestic and family violence, sexual violence and other forms of interpersonal violence, mobilising bystanders to prevent and respond to violence or to the situations and factors which increase the risk of violence taking place (‘bystander… -
Legal14 December 2012Webpage
Inquiry into the future direction and role of the Senate Scrutiny of Bills Committee (2010)
The Australian Human Rights Commission (the Commission) makes this submission to the Senate Scrutiny of Bills Committee regarding its Inquiry into the future direction and role of the Senate Scrutiny of Bills Committee. -
Legal14 December 2012Webpage
Submission: Australia's Future Tax System (Retirement Income System) (2009)
The Australian Human Rights Commission (‘the Commission’)[1] makes this submission to the Review Panel on Australia’s future tax system (‘the Review’). The submission specifically addresses Australia’s retirement income system. -
5 February 2015Book page
13 Continuing impacts on children once released
13.1 How are children faring once released? 13.2 Continuing impacts of detention on infants and preschoolers 13.3 Continuing impacts of detention on primary school aged children 13.4 Continuing impacts of detention on teenagers 13.5 Ongoing impacts of long term detention 13.6 Findings regarding the continuing impacts of detention Both my children are nervous. They were scared of everything… -
14 December 2012Book page
Commission Website: National Inquiry into Children in Immigration Detention
1. Introduction 2. Adequacy of current educational provision 3. Educational programs in NSW government schools 4. Temporary Protection Visa Holders enrolled in government schools. 5. Cost of educating child asylum seekers and students on temporary protection visas 6. Support for children and families who have been released from detention 7. Recommendations Appendix 1 -
14 December 2012Book page
This paper will highlight the findings of research examining Family Court and state Guardianship Tribunal's originating materials and written reports from 'experts' and family members. It includes all sterilisation cases involving minors that have proceeded to legal judgment in Australia between 1992-1998. The central assertion is that non-consensual sterilisation continues to be framed as a… -
14 December 2012Book page
Living Spirit - Muslim Women's Project 2006: Appendices 5 - 15
Tasneem Chopra is the current Chair of the Islamic Women’s Welfare Council of Victoria. She has been involved with this organisation since its inception over 13 years ago, and has a background in psychology, with over a decade of experience in community development. Tasneem currently works independently as a Cross Cultural Trainer and Consultant specialising in information sessions on &… -
Legal14 December 2012Webpage
Inquiry into Better Support for Carers
The Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission (‘HREOC’) makes this submission to the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Family, Community, Housing and Youth (‘the Committee’) in its Inquiry into Better Support for Carers (‘the Inquiry’). -
Legal14 December 2012Webpage
Tasmania: Charter of Rights
[1] For further discussion see John von Doussa QC, ‘In defence of human rights’, Address to the UNSW Law Society’s Speakers Forum, 24 August 2006; Commissioner Graeme Innes ‘The Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission and the Protection of Human Rights at a federal level’, Address to the ANU Bill of Rights Conference. Both speeches are available at http://www…