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Legal14 December 2012Webpage
Extradition and Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters Legislation Amendment Bill 2011
Recommendation 1: That subsection 22(3)(b) and proposed subsection 15B(3)(a) of the Extradition Act be expanded to provide that the Attorney-General must not make a surrender determination where there are substantial grounds for believing that, if the person were surrendered to the extradition country, the person would be in danger of being subjected to torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading… -
3 October 2014Opinion piece
Time to strengthen our lax surrogacy laws
Nationwide regulations are urgently needed to cover situations when Australians are engaging surrogates to have children for them. The range of assisted reproductive technologies available today presents many legal, moral and ethical challenges. These are challenges we can no longer ignore and require national, state and international leadership. In Australia, altruistic surrogacy is… -
14 December 2012Book page
National Inquiry into Children in Immigration Detention
The Ethnic Communities Council of Western Australia commends the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission and Human Rights Commissioner Sev Ozdowski in particular, for instituting the Children in Immigration Detention Inquiry. -
Legal14 December 2012Webpage
Review of Counter-Terrorism and National Security Legislation
Everyone has the right to liberty and security of person. No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest or detention. No one shall be deprived of his liberty except on such grounds and in accordance with such procedure as are established by law. -
Legal14 December 2012Webpage
Intervention: Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions v Wei Tang (2008)
1 On 17 April 2008 the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission (“HREOC”) filed a summons seeking leave to intervene in these proceedings. The summons was supported by an affidavit of the Human Rights Commissioner, Graeme Gordon Innes, affirmed on 16 April 2008. -
14 December 2012Book page
Native Title Report 2009 - Appendix 1
Between 1 July 2008 and 30 June 2009, twelve determinations of native title were made by the Federal Court. Ten of these were made by consent, one was unopposed and one was litigated.[1] -
Legal6 April 2018Submission
Migration Amendment (Clarification of Jurisdiction) Bill 2018
Downloads Introduction The Australian Human Rights Commission makes this submission to the Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee in its Inquiry into the Migration Amendment (Clarification of Jurisdiction) Bill 2018 (Cth) (Bill) introduced by the Australian Government. Summary This Bill proposes to amend Part 8 of the Migration Act 1958 (Cth) (Migration Act) which… -
Legal14 December 2012Webpage
National Security Legislation Amendment Bill 2010 and Parliamentary Joint Committee on Law Enforcement Bill 2010
The Australian Human Rights Commission (the Commission) makes this submission to the Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee in its Inquiry into the National Security Legislation Amendment Bill 2010 (the Bill) and the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Law Enforcement Bill 2010. -
Commission – General14 December 2012Speech
Federal Anti-discrimination Law - 2004
In May last year I stepped down from my position as a Judge of the Federal Court to accept the role as President of HREOC. It has been a time of new challenges, such as the need to balance the legislative and administrative responsibilities that the Commission has been given by the federal government, with the important role of advocating for the rights of those on the margins of Australian… -
14 December 2012Book page
Social Justice Report 2000: Appendix 1 Information concerning Australia provided by the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission to United Nations Committees in 2000
1) Committee on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (CERD): additional information to Australia's 10th, 11th and 12th periodic reports under CERD, March 2000; -
Legal6 February 2014Publication
Casenote: Plaintiff M76/2013 v Minister for Immigration, Multicultural Affairs and Citizenship [2013] HCA 53
The High Court found that the Department of Immigration acted on the basis of an error of law when it refused to refer the plaintiff’s case to the Minister for Immigration for consideration of whether to allow her to make a protection visa application. -
Children's Rights10 October 2014Opinion piece
It's time to strengthen our surrogacy laws to help protect children
NATIONWIDE regulations are urgently needed to cover situations when Australians are engaging surrogates to have children for them. The range of assisted reproductive technologies available today presents many legal, moral and ethical challenges. These are challenges we can no longer ignore and require national, state and international leadership. In Australia, altruistic surrogacy is… -
14 December 2012Book page
HREOC Social Justice Report 2002: Media Pack
This document is intended to provide a brief overview of the main findings of the Social Justice Report 2002. See the executive summary of the report for a more detailed description of the reports findings. -
14 December 2012Book page
HREOC Social Justice Report 2002: Media Pack
This document is intended to provide a brief overview of the main findings of the Social Justice Report 2002. See the executive summary of the report for a more detailed description of the reports findings. -
14 December 2012Book page
'Voices of Australia' Story Deadline Extended (2005)
Acting Race Discrimination Commissioner, Tom Calma, announced today that the closing date to submit stories to the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission’s 'Voices of Australia' project has been extended to Monday, 15 August 2005. -
Commission – General14 December 2012Speech
Reconciling human rights and counter-terrorism – a crucial challenge
I would like to acknowledge that we are meeting on the traditional country of the Girringun people and pay my respects to their elders past and present. -
14 December 2012Book page
Native Title Report 2000: Appendix 4
1. The Committee examined the third and fourth periodic reports of Australia (CCPR/C/AUS/99/3 and 4) at its 1855th, 1857th and 1858th meetings, held on 20 and 21 July 2000. At its 1867th meeting on 28 July 2000, the Committee adopted the following concluding observations. -
Commission – General14 December 2012Speech
Site navigation
On behalf of the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission, I would like to welcome you to this workshop on the recognition of Aboriginal Customary Law. -
14 December 2012Book page
Native Title Report 2002: Introduction
The year under review in this, my fourth Native Title Report, is a year in which the High Court has handed down its decision in several significant native title cases thus elucidating the principles upon which the recognition and extinguishment of native title are determined. 2002 marks the end of a ten year period since the Mabo decision [1] first introduced the dual concepts of recognising and… -
Rights and Freedoms14 December 2012Speech
“Long-term detention and mental health”: Dr Sev Ozdowski OAM (2003)
I would like to acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land on which we stand and by so doing remind ourselves that Australia’s cultural traditions stretch back many thousands of years.