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28 November 2014Book page
Teachers can access a series of lesson plans that were created by the Commission to help students build an understanding of human rights issues -
Rights and Freedoms14 December 2012Speech
Diversity in Health 2003: Dr Sev Ozdowski OAM
Conference Convenors and Co-directors, distinguished guests from both Australia and overseas, ladies and gentlemen, all. I would like to acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land on which we stand and by so doing remind ourselves that Australia’s cultural traditions stretch back many thousands of years. -
14 December 2012Book page
A last resort? Mental health
Media Pack Homepage Statements by Dr Sev Ozdowski, Human Rights Commissioner (Audio Files for Download) Inquiry Commissioner and Assistants Biographies About the Inquiry Inquiry Methodology Terms of Reference Useful Links and Resources -
25 September 2013Book page
1 Background and context
The Internet has been in existence since the 1960s, and the World Wide Web since the 1990s. [1] Cyberspace, however, remains a relatively new terrain in terms of the questions it raises about human rights and responsibilities. The International Telecommunication Union estimates that almost 40% of the world‘s population, and over 76% of people in developed countries, are now internet users. … -
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice14 December 2012Speech
Essentials for Social Justice: Protecting Indigenous children
I begin by paying my respects to the Gadigal peoples of the Eora nation, the traditional owners of the land where we gather today. I pay my respects to your elders, to the ancestors and to those who have come before us. And thank you, Alan Madden, for your generous welcome to country for all of us. -
Education16 December 2014Webpage
Where does racism happen?
Learn about how racism exists in all areas of our society, including workplaces, schools and the wider community and what you can do to prevent it. -
14 December 2012Book page
Face the Facts: Introduction - rightsED
The Face the Facts education resource is designed to complement the material in the Commission's Face the Facts publication. First published in 1997, Face the Facts reflects the continued demand for accurate and easy to understand information about Indigenous peoples, migrants, refugees and asylum seekers. -
Commission – General14 December 2012Speech
President Speech: Mandatory immigration detention of children in Australia: how far have we come and where to from here? (2010)
I knew Brad well and admired him a great deal. We met when he joined the Crown Solicitor’s Office and we worked closely together in that office for a number of years. He was appointed Crown Solicitor of South Australia when I left that position to practice at the private Bar. He was subsequently appointed Solicitor-General of South Australia, the office from which, I believe, he made his… -
LGBTIQ+14 December 2012Project
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Equality
Do you think you have been discriminated against in employment for reasons relating to your sexuality? See our Complaints page for information on how to make a complaint to the Australian Human Rights Commission. -
14 December 2012Book page
Copyright and Print Disability :Frequently Asked Questions
This list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) has been compiled by a committee established by the Australian Human Rights Commission (the Commission) that included representatives from government, the publishing industry, and copyright administrators. -
14 December 2012Book page
Social Justice Report 2005 :
This report covers the period from 1 July 2004 to 30 June 2005. It considers two issues that are of major concern to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. -
Rights and Freedoms14 December 2012Speech
Rural health: A human right for rural people: Chris Sidoti (1999)
Over the past year I have travelled to about 30 communities in all States and Territories from large regional cities like Cairns and Bunbury to small towns like Bourke and Peterborough, to remote communities like Papunya and Yuendumu. Wherever I have gone I've heard of the hard work and commitment of rural nurses in their local communities. -
14 December 2012Book page
Bringing them Home - Chapter 6
The forcible removal of Indigenous children from their families occurred during two periods in Tasmania. The first commenced with the European occupation of Van Dieman's Land (as Tasmania was called until 1856) in 1803 and lasted until the middle of the nineteenth century. The second commenced in the 1930s with the forcible removal of Indigenous children from Cape Barren Island under general… -
Disability Rights14 December 2012Webpage
Mr DEPUTY SPEAKER (Hon. G.G.D. Scholes)--I understand that it is the wish of the House to debate the Disability Discrimination Bill concurrently with the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Legislation Amendment Bill. There being no objection, the Chair will allow that course to be followed. -
14 December 2012Book page
HREOC Website: National Inquiry into Children in Immigration Detention
On my right is Professor Trang Thomas, Professor of Psychology at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology and on my left Mrs Robin Sullivan, who is also the Queensland Children's Commissioner. Before the hearing commences I would like to note the following matters. First, the issue of confidentiality and privacy. The Commission believes it is important to respect the privacy of individuals… -
Legal14 December 2012Webpage
Inquiry into the Sex Discrimination Amendment (Teaching Profession) Bill 2004
However, as discussed with Ms Dennett, there are a number of matters arising from the evidence of the Attorney-General’s Department (the “Department”) on which the Commission seeks to assist the Committee by providing some further information and clarification. As discussed with Ms Dennett, we considered it appropriate to copy this letter to the Department. -
6 February 2015Book page
Appendix 3 – List of public submissions
A total of 239 submissions were received by the Inquiry. Of these: 105 were public submissions; 69 were public submissions with name withheld; and 65 were confidential and were not published. The following are all public submissions received by the Inquiry. These submissions have been made available on the Commission website. Submission Submission No. 11 year old detained in Nauru OPC 64 12… -
31 July 2017Book page
Executive summary
At the request of Australia’s 39 universities, the Australian Human Rights Commission has conducted a national, independent survey of university students to gain greater insight into the nature, prevalence and reporting of sexual assault and sexual harassment at Australian universities. The National university student survey on sexual assault and sexual harassment (the National Survey) also … -
14 December 2012Book page
Commission Website: National Inquiry into Children in Immigration Detention
This submission has been produced by the Queensland Program of Assistance for Survivors of Torture and Trauma (QPASTT) and the Youth Advocacy Centre (YAC). The submission is also endorsed by a number of individuals and organisations working directly or indirectly with asylum seekers and refugees (See list on page 2). Their staff hear similar stories and reports from their clients and have come to… -
14 December 2012Book page
Social Justice Report 2007 - Acknowledgements
The position of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner was established within the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission in 1993 to carry out the following functions: