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Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice10 April 2013Publication
Draft guidelines: Ensuring income management measures compliancy
The Commission has issued these draft guidelines to provide practical assistance to Parliament and the Government in designing and implementing income management measures that protect human rights and are consistent with the RDA. They are also intended to increase awareness among affected communities about the application of the RDA to income management regimes. -
14 December 2012Book page
4 The use of wrist x-ray analysis
This chapter considers some of the Commonwealth’s practices regarding the use of wrist x-ray analysis as a means of assessing chronological age for the purposes of criminal prosecution. It highlights situations where the reliance on wrist x-rays as evidence of age was contrary to stated Australian Government policy; or where it contributed to individuals who were in fact children, or who… -
14 December 2012Book page
Native Title Report 2011: Chapter 2: Lateral violence in native title: our relationships over lands, territories and resources
A key priority throughout my five year term as Social Justice Commissioner is to strengthen and rebuild relationships within our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. -
29 January 2013Book page
Appendix J – Examples of Best Practice from International Contexts
Introduction and Methodology As indicated in the body of the Report, the Review examined a range of international defence academies identified as bearing the greatest similarity to ADFA in terms of size, structure, or the wider contexts within which they functioned. [505] The Review conducted a broad ranging scan of Government and Defence Force inquiries, reports and evaluations; as well as… -
14 December 2012Book page
Native Title Report 2007: Appendix 11
1.1 That the Australian Government immediately appoint an independent person to conduct a comprehensive review of the whole native title system and report back to the Attorney-General by 30 June 2010. This review is to: -
22 July 2013Book page
Chapter 5: ADFA’s Role and Purpose (Recommendations 1-5)
Key Finding of Review The Review found that: There needs to be a strong reaffirmation of ADFA as the centre of excellence for tri-Service education and training for junior officers. ADFA espouses excellence; however it lacks a well-articulated purpose and a clear vision. This inhibits it from realising its potential and, significantly, from integrating equality, diversity and inclusion in a … -
Sex Discrimination7 February 2020Publication
Community Guide to the Sexual Harassment National Inquiry Report 2020
Read the message from Kate Jenkins urging all employers to join her in creating safe, gender-equal and inclusive workplaces, no matter their industry or size. -
14 December 2012Book page
Social Justice Report 2006
This appendix provides an overview of the main events with regard to the administration of Indigenous affairs to 30 June 2006. It commences with a summary table and is followed by a detailed description of each event. -
Legal14 December 2012Webpage
Submission on the Inquiry into pay equity and associated issues related to increasing female participation in the workforce (2008)
The Australian Human Rights Commission (‘the Commission’)[1] makes this submission to the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Employment and Workplace Relations in its Inquiry into pay equity and associated issues related to increasing female participation in the workforce (‘the Inquiry’). -
Legal14 December 2012Webpage
Inquiry into the Equal Opportunity for Women in the Workplace Act 1999 and Equal Opportunity for Women in the Workplace Agency (2009)
The Australian Human Rights Commission (the Commission)[1] welcomes the opportunity to make this Submission to the Australian Government Review of the Equal Opportunity for Women in the Workplace Act 1999 (Cth) (the EOWW Act) and the Equal Opportunity for Women in the Workplace Agency (the EOWA). -
Disability Rights8 March 2018Opinion piece
25 years of the Disability Discrimination Act
It was 25 years ago this month that the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (Cth) (the ‘DDA’) commenced operation. On 1 March 1993, Australians with a dis¬ability had a national law that was designed to provide them with equality in many areas of life. Over the past quarter of a cen¬tury, the DDA has contributed significant¬ly to social change for people with disability and has been used by -
14 December 2012Book page
Chapter 4: Beyond the Apology - an agenda for healing: Social Justice Report 2008
On 13 February 2008 Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, on behalf of the Australian Parliament, made a historic and long overdue national Apology to the Stolen Generations. With eloquence and emotion, Prime Minister Rudd said what so many Australians have wanted to say, and what so many Indigenous peoples have needed to hear: -
Rights and Freedoms14 December 2012Publication
Implementing the Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture : Options for Australia
A report to the Australian Human Rights Commission by Professors Richard Harding and Neil Morgan (Centre for Law and Public Policy, The University of Western Australia) -
Asylum Seekers and Refugees12 June 2014Webpage
Submissions made to the inquiry
Please note: In accordance with the terms of the submissions process, the inquiry has: not listed below or published any confidential submissions; and in some cases, edited or not published (where an edited copy could not reasonably be published) the non-confidential submissions, in order to protect the identity of the authors, third parties, or where otherwise appropriate. The Commission… -
14 December 2012Book page
2011 Immigration detention at Curtin
For more than a decade, the Australian Human Rights Commission has called for reforms to Australia’s system of mandatory and indefinite immigration detention – both in light of the impacts it has on people’s mental health and wellbeing, and because it leads to breaches of Australia’s international human rights obligations. During this time, the Commission has investigated… -
27 November 2015Book page
The need for better engagement - Year in review
1.1 Introduction In last year’s Social Justice and Native Title Report, I raised concerns about the changes resulting from the 2014-15 Budget and the restructure to Indigenous Affairs through the Indigenous Advancement Strategy (IAS). Despite initial concerns about how these changes would impact our communities, I indicated that the streamlining of programs and the move away from a ‘one size… -
14 December 2012Book page
Report No. 42: Mr KL v State of NSW - Report into discrimination in employment
Pursuant to s 31(b)(ii) of the Australian Human Rights Commission Act 1986 (Cth), I attach my report of an inquiry into the complaint made by Mr KL of discrimination in employment on the basis of criminal record by the NSW Department of Education. -
14 December 2012Book page
Strategic Plan 2011-2014
We have also played an important leadership role internationally by sharing our experience with other national human rights institutions and by contributing technical assistance to advance partnerships for human rights in other countries. -
27 March 2015Book page
3 Key issues emerging from the consultation
Right to freedom of expression Right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion Right to freedom of association Property rights The objective of Rights & Responsibilities 2014 was to actively seek and listen to people’s views across the country about how well their rights and freedoms are protected in Australia. This process provided an opportunity to identify systemic human rights… -
Legal15 April 2013Submission
Inquiry into Slavery, Slavery-like conditions and People Trafficking
1 Introduction The Australian Human Rights Commission makes this submission to the Human Rights Sub-Committee of the Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade in its Inquiry into Slavery, Slavery-like conditions and People Trafficking. 2 Summary The Australian Human Rights Commission welcomes the opportunity to make this submission to the Inquiry into Modern Slavery. The…