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14 December 2012Book page
A Report on Visits to Immigration Detention Facilities by the Human Rights Commissioner 2001
1.1 Background to this report 1.2 Compliance with human rights obligations 1.3 Conduct of visits 1.4 Overview of immigration detention facilities 1.5 Response by Department of Immigration and Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs -
Education16 December 2014Webpage
Why are people racist?
Understand the roots of racism and its impact on society. Learn why people hold racist attitudes and how to combat them. -
Children's Rights6 April 2022Publication
Child-friendly version of Keeping kids safe and well (2022)
Most of the kids I spoke to said it was very important that the government listens to what they have to say. -
Business and Human Rights30 November 2022Speech
Executive discretion in a time of COVID-19
Responses to the COVID-19 pandemic have required very quick action by governments. But those responses have also involved significant limitations on people’s rights and freedoms, especially freedom of movement, and implemented through executive power often with limited parliamentary involvement. -
Commission – General15 September 2021Speech
Human Rights Day Oration 2020: Rosemary Kayess and Nas Campanella
The 2020 Human Rights Day Oration was delivered by leading disability rights advocate Rosemary Kayess, winner of the 2019 Human Rights Medal, and a contributor to the drafting of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). Ms Kayess discussed the social transformation of CRPD and the impact it has had on the community as well as her work with the Disability Royal -
Rights and Freedoms3 March 2023Speech
Respect@Work – a focus on our profession
This paper considers the amendments to laws regarding workplace bullying and sexual harassment and the employer’s responsibility implementing recommendations of the Commission’s Respect@Work report (2020). -
14 December 2012Book page
Report of an inquiry: Mr Zacharias Manongga
Pursuant to section 11(1)(f)(ii) of the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission Act 1986 (Cth), I attach a report of my inquiry into a complaint by Mr Zacharias Manongga Consul for the Northern Territory, consul of the Republic of Indonesia that the human rights of Indonesian Fishers detained on vessels in Darwin Harbour were breached by the Commonwealth of Australia. -
14 December 2012Book page
Social Justice Report 2007 - Chapter 3: The Northern Territory 'Emergency Response' intervention
On 21 June 2007, the Australian Government announced a ‘national emergency response to protect Aboriginal children in the Northern Territory’ from sexual abuse and family violence.[1] This has become known as the ‘NT intervention’ or the ‘Emergency Response’. The catalyst for the measures was the release of Report of the Northern Territory Board of Inquiry into… -
Asylum Seekers and Refugees17 July 2015Publication
Summary factsheet - The Forgotten Children: National Inquiry into Children in Immigration Detention 2014
The Forgotten Children: National Inquiry into Children in Immigration Detention 2014 Summary factsheet July 2015 What was the Inquiry about? On 3 February 2014 the President of the Commission announced a national inquiry into children in immigration detention. The purpose of the Inquiry was to investigate the ways in which life in immigration detention affects the health, well-being and -
Sex Discrimination8 March 2022Video
International Women's Day: Kate Jenkins
Sex Discrimination Commissioner @Kate_Jenkins_: "#IWD2022 is an opportunity to reflect how we can all make Australia a truly gender-equal nation. In the past year, it’s been incredible to witness a rising determination for change from many women and girls in our society." -
Rights and Freedoms5 December 2019Video
Meet the 2019 Human Rights Medal finalists
Hear from our Human Rights Medal finalists whom we’re supporting and acknowledging at this year’s ceremony on December 13, 2019. Tickets are available -
Disability Rights3 December 2021Video
International Day of Persons with Disabilities 3 December 2021
Dr. Ben Gauntlett, Disability Discrimination Commissioner at the Australian Human Rights Commission speaks about the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, 3 December, 2021 -
Commission – General17 January 2023Webpage
Senate File Listing: 1 July 2022 – 31 December 2022
Senate File List for the Australian Human Rights Commission for 1 July 2022 – 31 December 2022. See previous Prefix File Name Created Date DC Defence Materials - Roundtable summaries 11/07/2022 1:34 DC Defence Materials - Block 6_Hobart 1 August 2022 11/07/2022 23:55 DC Defence Materials - Key RC publications and submissions 11/08/2022 1:10 DC Defence Materials - Public hearing transcripts… -
Education24 October 2018Teachers Article
Magna Carta: The Story of Our Freedom
Discover a series of online educational resources that explore the impact the Magna Carta has had on our human rights and freedoms in Australia. -
Education18 March 2019Teachers Article
Young people in the workplace
This resource helps students understand workplace discrimination and explores a potential real-life situation of young people entering the workplace. -
Race Discrimination16 March 2021Media Release
National Anti-Racism Framework plan launched
Australia’s Race Discrimination Commissioner Chin Tan has launched a plan to establish a National Anti-Racism Framework and has called on the Federal Government to support and implement it. Commissioner Tan released a concept paper detailing key components that need to be included in the Framework and will soon commence a series of roundtables with peak anti-racism organisations to progress… -
Education19 September 2018Webpage
Learn about everything related to human rights including what they are, how they impact every area of our lives and why they are so important to protect. -
Sex Discrimination28 November 2022Media Release
Time for respect: One third of workers say they have experienced sexual harassment
The survey found that reporting of workplace sexual harassment remains alarmingly low, at only 18%. Women (41%) were far more likely than men (26%) to experience harassment, and more than three quarters of harassers were men (77%). -
Rights and Freedoms9 December 2019Video
Human Rights Day 2019 - Message from Commission President
Commission – General5 December 2019Video
Meet the 2019 Young People's Human Rights Medal finalists
Hear from our Young People’s Human Rights Medal finalists whom we’re supporting and acknowledging at this year’s ceremony on 13 December 2019. Tickets are available
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