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Sex Discrimination11 December 2024Media Release
One year strong: advancing workplace gender equality through the positive duty
Today marks one year since the Australian Human Rights Commission’s positive duty regulatory powers came into force, aiming to eliminate sexual harassment and discrimination in Australian workplaces. -
Commission – General31 October 2024Speech
Human Rights Act for NSW
Advocating for a NSW Human Rights Act, Hugh de Kretser emphasizes its importance for First Nations and all citizens, highlighting the need for comprehensive human rights protections. -
Disability Rights5 December 2024Opinion piece
It’s time disability reform became an election commitment
In an opinion piece published in The Mandarin, Disability Discrimination Commissioner Rosemary Kayess urges political leaders to commit to disability reform ahead of the 2025 Federal election. -
Legal23 December 2024Publication
Immigration detainees in prolonged or indefinite detention
Immigration detainees in prolonged or indefinite detention v Commonwealth of Australia (Department of Home Affairs and Minister for Immigration and Multicultural Affairs)[2024] AusHRC 174 Report into arbitrary detention Australian Human Rights Commission 2024 -
Race Discrimination26 November 2024Media Release
Landmark national plan seeks to end racism in Australia
Image design copyright Bree Buttenshaw for Saltwater People (2024). Australia’s Race Discrimination Commissioner today launched the most comprehensive plan ever for eliminating racism in Australia. Developed by the Australian Human Rights Commission with dedicated funding from the Australian Government, the National Anti-Racism Framework provides a roadmap for governments, business and… -
Race Discrimination6 December 2024Speech
Framework launch speech
The National Anti-Racism Framework launch speech by Giridharan Sivaraman emphasizes the importance of First Nations-centered anti-racism efforts in Australia. -
Commission – General23 August 2024Speech
A Human Rights Act for Australia
Human rights are the blueprint for a decent, dignified life for all. Human rights are the key to creating the kind of society we all want to live in. A speech by Commission President, Hugh de Krester. -
Race Discrimination29 November 2024Speech
Launch of the National Anti-Racism Framework
Race Discrimination Commissioner Giridharan Sivaraman launched the National Anti-Racism Framework on 26 November at Parramatta Townhall. -
Rights and Freedoms28 October 2024Webpage
Modern Slavery
Modern slavery is when people are forced to work or do things against their will. They can't leave -
Sex Discrimination20 September 2024Media Release
Sex Discrimination Commissioner welcomes final recommendation being implemented from Respect@Work report
Sex Discrimination Commissioner Dr Anna Cody has welcomed the Australian parliament’s passing of legislation that will prevent courts ordering applicants to pay respondent’s costs in Federal Court discrimination cases. -
Commission – General22 May 2024Webpage
Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights
The Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights (PJCHR) is established by the Human Rights (Parliamentary Scrutiny) Act 2011. The committee's main function is to examine all bills and legislative instruments for compatibility with human rights, and to report to both Houses of Parliament on its findings. It also has a function to examine existing legislation and an inquiry function for… -
Business and Human Rights6 November 2024Opinion piece
Pandemic probe: Statistics can’t capture the loss of trust and confidence
The Covid-19 response inquiry report is an important first step, but there is much more that needs to be done if the government wants to start rebuilding public trust. The number one lesson should be that response measures do not operate in a vacuum. The full human impact needs to be understood and human rights need to be embedded into future emergency responses. The 877-page inquiry report… -
Disability Rights6 March 2024Speech
Good Access is Good Business
City of Sydney Business Breakfast Keynote Address City of Sydney Council Keynote Address for President and Acting Disability Discrimination Commissioner Rosalind Croucher Time: Session commences at 7:45am. Session concludes at 10am. Speakers to arrive at 7:30am. Location: Town Hall, Sydney Speaking time: 8:30am – 8:50am for twenty minutes Topic: The business case for access and inclusion… -
Age Discrimination14 October 2024Speech
Age Discrimination Commissioner Robert Fitzgerald's Press club address
Why Australia Needs Ageism Awareness Day Shared Presentation with Dr Marlene Krasovitsky from EveryAGE Counts Wednesday, 25 September 2024 Check against delivery Introduction Thank you Marlene. It is a great joy to be here at this significant event. This is my third appearance at the National Press Club, but I'm now about 30 years older than the last time, so it's good to be back as an older… -
Commission – General31 October 2024Speech
Eastern Community Legal Centre Multidisciplinary Forum
Hugh de Kretser discusses the impact of multidisciplinary legal practice, highlighting the intersection of legal and social issues and the importance of integrated support. -
Business and Human Rights22 February 2021Webpage
About Business and Human Rights
Nunc fringilla sodales ultricies. Maecenas porta tempus tortor et consequat. Donec fermentum accumsan porta. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nunc eu feugiat enim. In non sapien vitae justo vehicula gravida. Aliquam tincidunt vulputate. -
Rights and Freedoms3 March 2023Speech
Respect@Work – a focus on our profession
This paper considers the amendments to laws regarding workplace bullying and sexual harassment and the employer’s responsibility implementing recommendations of the Commission’s Respect@Work report (2020). -
Rights and Freedoms2 May 2024Media Release
Michael Kirby and Jennifer Robinson to deliver joint keynote address at landmark human rights forum
Two of Australia’s most famous legal eagles are set to team up to prosecute the case for an Australian Human Rights Act at an historic two-day forum in June during the Vivid Sydney festival. Eminent international jurist and former High Court judge Michael Kirby and leading international human rights lawyer Jennifer Robinson (who represents Julian Assange) will tag team at the Free + Equal… -
Rights and Freedoms8 May 2024Media Release
60% student discount announced for landmark national human rights event
Organisers of a major national human rights conference have just announced a 60% discount for students who want to attend the historic gathering in June during the Vivid Sydney festival. Presented by the Australian Human Rights Commission, the Free + Equal Human Rights Conference is set to attract hundreds of delegates from across Australia’s human rights, civil society, legal, justice,… -
Rights and Freedoms13 March 2024Speech
The Commission’s model for a Human Rights Act for Australia
The Australian Human Rights Commission's model proposes a national Human Rights Act, safeguarding rights for all Australians and addressing human rights concerns. It aims to modernize the legal framework.