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Legal14 December 2012Webpage
Workplace Relations Amendment (WorkChoices) Bill 2005
Mr John Carter, Secretary Senate Employment, Workplace Relations and Education Committee Department of the Senate Parliament House Canberra ACT 2600 By email: -
Disability Rights14 December 2012Speech
Presentation to University of NSW
To set the scene for my presentation this afternoon, I want to share two autobiographical fragments with you, both of them having to do with my experience at university. -
14 December 2012Book page
Commission Website: National Inquiry into Children in Immigration Detention
Sex Discrimination27 March 2015Speech
Sydney Girls High School – Annual Presentation Day
It is indeed a privilege to be invited to speak to you all at such an important time in many of your lives. In my job I get the opportunity to see and be with people of all walks of life, across all parts of Australia. And it is wonderful to be able to include today in my experiences – it is giving the chance to be with an incredibly talented group of young women, who I hope to see in leadership… -
Commission – General14 December 2012Speech
Keynote address to the Victoria Legal Aid Civil Justice Law and Practice Conference
I would like to begin this morning by acknowledging the traditional owners of the land on which we meet, the Wurundjeri People of the Kulin Nation. I pay my respects to their elders past and present. -
14 December 2012Book page
A last resort? - Summary Guide: International Law
As a sovereign country, Australia has a right to decide who is allowed to enter and stay in the country. However, with this right comes a set of legal responsibilities. -
Rights and Freedoms3 March 2023Speech
'Reflections on women’s rights – past, present and future’
This presentation draws together reflections on women’s rights from the campaigns by the suffragists and suffragettes of the late 19th century and a consideration on how far we have come in realisation of women’s rights. -
14 December 2012Book page
National Inquiry into Children in Immigration Detention
International and Australian evidence demonstrates the long-term effects of early life experience on health and well being throughout life. The detention of children and young people is poses significant risks to normal development. The exposure of infants and young children to stress either directly or mediated through the experiences of their parents reduces the likelihood of normal brain… -
14 December 2012Book page
Annual Report 2008-2009: Chapter 8
2008-09 has been a year of positive developments in the human rights area. While many human rights challenges lie ahead, as Human Rights Commissioner, I have been excited by the progress that Australia has made in human rights, both domestically and internationally during the year. -
Rights and Freedoms14 December 2012Speech
"Long-term detention and mental health": Dr Sev Ozdowski OAM (2003)
Speech given by Dr Sev Ozdowski OAM, Human Rights Commissioner at the 2nd Public Health Association of Australia Incarceration Conference. Wednesday 2 April 2003 at the Mercure Hotel Brisbane -
14 December 2012Book page
National Inquiry into Employment and Disability: Issues Paper 3
One of the goals of the Inquiry is to identify and develop practical strategies to address some of the factors that act as a disincentive to employers hiring people with disabilities. -
31 July 2017Book page
Executive summary
At the request of Australia’s 39 universities, the Australian Human Rights Commission has conducted a national, independent survey of university students to gain greater insight into the nature, prevalence and reporting of sexual assault and sexual harassment at Australian universities. The National university student survey on sexual assault and sexual harassment (the National Survey) also … -
Children's Rights1 December 2014Speech
National Kidsafe Day 2014: Challenging Play - Risk It!
Megan Mitchell National Children's Commissioner Australian Human Rights Commission Introduction to National Kidsafe Day 2014Good morning everyone and thankyou Dr Julie Brown for the introduction.Thank you to Kathleen Clapham for the acknowledgement to country this morning. I would also like to acknowledge the traditional owners of the land on which we meet and on which children and families… -
5 March 2013Speech
Women in Leadership: Equality and the Business Case
Speech delivered to the 25th Australasian Finance and Banking Conference -
14 December 2012Book page
Decision on inquiry: Summer Hill
In July 1999 the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission received a representative complaint under the Disability Discrimination Act ("DDA") lodged on behalf of people who use wheelchairs regarding current lack of accessibility of Summer Hill railway station, and seeking implementation of accessibility at that station this financial year. -
14 December 2012Book page
Commission Website: National Inquiry into Children in Immigration Detention
This submission has been produced by the Queensland Program of Assistance for Survivors of Torture and Trauma (QPASTT) and the Youth Advocacy Centre (YAC). The submission is also endorsed by a number of individuals and organisations working directly or indirectly with asylum seekers and refugees (See list on page 2). Their staff hear similar stories and reports from their clients and have come to… -
14 December 2012Book page
Bringing them Home - Chapter 6
The forcible removal of Indigenous children from their families occurred during two periods in Tasmania. The first commenced with the European occupation of Van Dieman's Land (as Tasmania was called until 1856) in 1803 and lasted until the middle of the nineteenth century. The second commenced in the 1930s with the forcible removal of Indigenous children from Cape Barren Island under general… -
22 July 2013Book page
Chapter 8: Midshipmen and Cadets are Young People and Future Leaders (Recommendations 16-18)
Key findings of Review Given their age, most undergraduates enter ADFA without much ‘real world’ experience, with many having never lived away from home before. 1 The differing levels of maturity of undergraduates, combined with the pressures of living, working and studying together, can present substantial risk factors for ADFA. In particular, the Review findings indicated that: A number of… -
14 December 2012Book page
Social Justice Report 2005 : Appendix 1 : Chronology of events relating to the new arrangements for the administration of Indigenous affairs, 1 July 2004 - 30 June 2005
This Appendix provides an overview of main events since the introduction of the new arrangements for the administration of Indigenous affairs on 1 July 2004. It commences with a summary table and is followed by a detailed description of each event. -
14 December 2012Book page
Native Title Report 2003 : Chapter 1
Australia is a wealthy nation. In 2003, Australia ranked fourth in the United Nations Human Development Index (1) indicating Australians enjoyed one of the highest qualities of life in the world. Overall, Australia ranks equal fourth with the highest life expectancy at birth (79.0 years) suggesting Australians are among the healthiest people in the world. (2)