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Disability Rights2 May 2016Publication
Willing to Work: National Inquiry into Employment Discrimination
Learn how the right to work is a fundamental human right, though one that many older people and people with disability in Australia do not enjoy. -
Commission – General10 December 2021Speech
Human Rights Day Oration 2021: Emeritus Professor Rosalind Croucher
President Croucher's 2021 Human Rights Day Oration highlights the need for reform in Australia's discrimination laws. -
Legal14 December 2012Webpage
Submission: Human Rights and Good Governance Education
The Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission (HREOC) which was established in 1986 by the Federal Parliament as successor to the 1981 Human Rights Commission is an independent statutory authority whose functions are to monitor, protect and promote human rights in Australia. The Commission has played a key role in the education of civil society in regard to these rights. -
Legal14 December 2012Webpage
Submission - Mutual Assistance Review (2007)
1. The Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission (the Commission) makes this submission in response to the Attorney General’s Department (AGD) Discussion Paper on ‘A better mutual assistance system – a review of the Australia’s mutual assistance law and practice’ (the Discussion Paper). -
LGBTIQ+15 October 2021Publication
Ensuring health and bodily integrity (2021)
Protecting the human rights of people born with variations in sex characteristics in the context of medical interventions -
Legal15 August 2016Submission
Information for List of Issues Prior to Reporting - Australia: Submission to Committee Against Torture (2016)
SUBMISSION BY THE AUSTRALIAN HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION Information for List of Issues Prior to Reporting - Australia 27 June 2016 Contents 1. Introduction 2. National Human Rights Institution 3. Ratification of OPCAT 4. Scrutiny of human rights and role of the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights 5. Violence against women and children 6. Trafficking in persons 7. Criminal Justice… -
Race Discrimination17 November 2022Publication
National Anti-Racism Framework Scoping Report
In March 2021, the Commission released a proposal for a National Anti-Racism Framework in response to enduring community calls for national action after heightened experiences of racism and racial inequality in recent years, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic. -
Age Discrimination24 May 2019Publication
Willing to Work: National Inquiry into Employment Discrimination Against Older Australians and Australians with Disability (2016)
The right to work is a fundamental human right, but one that far too many older people and people with disability in Australia do not enjoy. -
Rights and Freedoms13 May 2022Speech
Whither human rights and freedoms protections in Australia?
As I reflect on the past two years, it is clear that the pandemic has brought a renewed national focus on the importance of centralising considering rights and freedoms during times of crisis — a greater ‘rights consciousness’. -
15 July 2014Book page
Chapter 3: How do we keep moving forward? A road map for our future
3.1 Introduction In chapters 1 and 2, I look back over the past 20 years that the Social Justice Commissioner position has been in place and think about the journey and our learning over this time. In this chapter, I want to explore how those lessons can take us forward to chart a confident course into the future and how the realisation of our rights can produce long term sustainable… -
Legal14 December 2012Webpage
Submission - Family Violence and Commonwealth Laws: Employment and Superannuation (2011)
The Australian Human Rights Commission makes this submission to the Australian Law Reform Commission in its Inquiry into Family Violence and Commonwealth Laws: Issues Paper - Employment and Superannuation. -
1 August 2014Book page
Chapter 4: Experiences of employers in managing pregnancy, parental leave and return to work after parental leave
In summary Employers identified several challenges in managing pregnancy/return to work issues, including: Confusion and uncertainty about their legal obligations, and about employee rights Managing the uncertainty that can surround pregnancy/return to work issues, especially regarding timeframes, employees’ return to work and employees’ requests to work flexibly or part-time Limiting the… -
Race Discrimination9 April 2024Webpage
Race Discrimination
Learn about racism, its impact, and how to combat it. Take action to build communities where people of all cultures and backgrounds feel safe, respected and included. -
Legal14 December 2012Webpage
Commission Submission - Ferneley v Boxing Authority NSW
(1) Nothing in Division 1 or 2 renders it unlawful to exclude persons of one sex from participation in any competitive sporting activity in which the strength, stamina or physique of competitors is relevant. -
Commission – General6 July 2020E-bulletin (Monthly)
Community update: COVID-19 (July 2020)
Stay safe. Stay connected. Stay informed. -
Rights and Freedoms17 January 2019Speech
Alice Tay Lecture in Law and Human Rights 2018 - ‘Rights-mindedness’
‘Rights-mindedness’ — making human rights real in public service and community understanding 70 years after the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights Alice Tay Lecture in Law and Human Rights 2018 Emeritus Professor Rosalind Croucher AM President, Australian Human Rights Commission Sir Roland Wilson Building Canberra 25 September 2018 Abstract A key function of the Australian… -
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice14 December 2012Webpage
Submission to the United Nations on the Rights of Indigenous Children
Explore a submission to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child for their Day of General Discussion on the Rights of Indigenous Children. -
Rights and Freedoms9 July 2019Publication
Factsheet: Guide to the protections for freedom of religion (2019)
There are a number of protections for freedom of religion in Australian law. At the federal level, a person may make a complaint to the Australian Human Rights Commission or to the Fair Work Commission about discrimination on the basis of religion that occurs in the context of employment. -
Legal14 December 2012Webpage
Submission - Proposed minor native title amendments (2009)
You are all aware of the cultural, linguistic and historical factors that impact upon Indigenous people’s interaction with the legal system. Such factors that include: -
Legal14 December 2012Webpage
Submission: Anti-Terrorism Bill (No 2) 2005
Recommendation 1: The Bill should be amended to include additional sub-clauses (in s105.4(4) and (6)), which require the issuing authority to be satisfied that the purpose for which the order is made cannot be achieved by a less restrictive means.