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14 December 2012Book page
RightsED: Child Rights - Resource sheet: A last resort
Read through the following quotes. These are things that asylum seeker children told the Australian Human Rights Commission about their time in Australian immigration detention centres. -
14 December 2012Book page
ell us your story for our ‘Voices of Australia’ project (2005)
To mark the 30 th anniversary of the Racial Discrimination Act (RDA), the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission is putting together ‘Voices of Australia ’ – a magazine and audio CD of real-life stories about diversity and living together in contemporary Australia. -
14 December 2012Book page
National Inquiry into Children in Immigration Detention
My name is Keysar Trad. I am the Vice President of the Lebanese Muslims Association in Sydney. The Lebanese Muslims Association was established in 1961 by a group of Lebanese Muslim citizens to advocate on behalf of Lebanese and other Muslims in the Australian community. We have over 1100 financial members and over tens of thousands who use our facilities on festive occasions, many or our members… -
Children's Rights28 July 2020Media Release
Commission welcomes new Children’s Commissioner
The Australian Human Rights Commission welcomes the appointment of Ms Anne Hollonds to the role of the National Children’s Commissioner. “I am delighted by the appointment of Ms Hollonds to the Australian Human Rights Commission,” said Commission President, Emeritus Professor Rosalind Croucher AM. “On behalf of the Commissioners and staff I warmly welcome Ms Hollonds. She is one of Australia… -
14 December 2012Book page
3 Theme One - Economic Independence for Women: Listening Tour Report
I'm a mother who has been out of the paid workforce for two years and will probably be for the next 4 years, until my children are ready for pre-school. My return to work will probably be on a part-time basis and I will probably have to re-start my career after so many years out so I don't expect that I will earn very much. I never thought this would be the case - I studied for many years, earned… -
5 February 2015Book page
10 Unaccompanied children in detention
10.1 Impact of detention on emotional and mental wellbeing 10.2 Self-harm by unaccompanied children 10.3 Pontville Detention Centre 10.4 Forcible transfer of children to Bravo Compound at Christmas Island 10.5 Guardianship and welfare 10.6 Findings specific to unaccompanied children I feel like I’m in jail, no one here to help us. It’s just me and God. (17 year old unaccompanied child,… -
Rights and Freedoms14 April 2022Speech
Address to the 2022 Friendship and Dialogue Iftar Dinner
Affinity Intercultural Foundation, NSW Parliament House 13th Friendship and Dialogue Iftar Dinner Wednesday 13 April 2022 Emeritus Professor Rosalind Croucher AM As-salamu alaykum: may peace be upon you. Acknowledgements Our Parliamentary hosts, distinguished guests, of whom there are indeed many, friends. Thank you to Ahmet Polat and his team at Affinity Intercultural Foundation for… -
Children's Rights24 December 2019Video
Vanessa Turnbull-Roberts, winner of the 2019 Young People's Human Rights Medal
Receiving her award, Young People’s Human Rights Medal Winner Vanessa Turnbull-Roberts said, “The system does not work for our kids who are incarcerated - my mind and my spirit can't help but think of those young people that aren't here right now. “I ask that every single person assess your privilege and show up on the front line. We need to amplify those voices and we need to raise those… -
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice24 April 2019Speech
National Mediation Conference 2019
Jalangurru lanygu balangarri. Yaningi warangira ngindaji yuwa muwayi ingirranggu, Nambiri, Ngunnawal yani U. Balangarri wadjirragali jarra ningi – gamali ngindaji yau muwayi nyirrami ngarri thangani. Yaningi miya ngindaji Muwayi ingga winyira ngirranggu thangani. Yathawarra, wilalawarra jalangurru ngarri guda. Good day everyone. I acknowledge the traditional owners, Nambiri and Ngunnawal… -
Asylum Seekers and Refugees5 September 2018Media Release
Urgent call for seriously ill Nauru children to be transferred
The Australian Human Rights Commission is calling on the Federal Government to urgently transfer any seriously unwell asylum seeker children – and their families – from Nauru to Australia. The Commission notes several recent cases where the Federal Court of Australia has consistently found the health care services currently available on Nauru did not meet the needs of children with complex -
Legal14 December 2012Webpage
National Human Rights Consultation - Appendix 6
My brother was just walking down the street with his friends ... the police officer said to him ‘I’ve been doing this for so long, I know how to pick youse’. And, like, just because of the way they were walking and the way they were dressed. He had a backpack on. The police pulled over and said ‘what’s in your backpack, let me look in your backpack’. -
14 December 2012Book page
HREOC Website: National Inquiry into Children in Immigration Detention
DR OZDOWSKI: Welcome to everyone. I think there is no need again to administer the oath or affirmation. As with yesterday, we will do it only in the case of new witnesses coming, but please understand that the principles associated with the oath or affirmation do stand up. Also, I would like to ask witnesses in order to finish on time, that they will focus on questions and try to answer, and to… -
14 December 2012Book page
Commission Website: National Inquiry into Children in Immigration Detention
My name is Katie Brosnan. I am a permanent resident of Australia and a citizen of Ireland. I qualified as a high school teacher in Ireland in 1995 with a bachelor’s degree in education. I have taught in Ireland, Poland and Australia in mainstream educational facilities as well as with marginalized groups e.g. refugees in Ireland, gypsies in Ireland. -
14 December 2012Book page
A last resort? - Summary Guide: Physical Health
I am primarily a paediatric doctor. I saw many of the children in [Woomera] … and really so many of their problems relate directly to the prolonged and indeterminate nature of their detention, which is a combination of the very harsh and isolated physical environment, the poor accommodation facilities and the lack of resources for their mental health and their leisure activities. -
Sex Discrimination6 March 2018Speech
Sex Discrimination Commissioner delivers 2018 Pamela Denoon Lecture
2018 Pamela Denoon Lecture, ANU Monday 5th March 2018 Good evening. I would like to begin by acknowledging the traditional owners of the land on which we meet and paying my respects to their elders past, present and emerging. I would also like to acknowledge both the organisers of this event and the women who have presented the Pamela Denoon lecture in the past. And of course, I would like… -
14 December 2012Book page
HREOC Website: National Inquiry into Children in Immigration Detention
Learn about the national inquiry into children in immigration detention. -
14 December 2012Book page
Bringing them Home - Chapter 10
Children's experiences following their removal contributed to the effects of the removal upon them at the time and in later life. In this chapter we briefly survey the evidence to the Inquiry concerning those experiences which have had the most significant impacts on well-being and development. -
Age Discrimination30 September 2022Media Release
New campaign seeks to reduce abuse of older Australians
Launched today to coincide with the 2022 International Day of Older Persons, the Elder Abuse: Shift Your Perspective campaign includes a series of videos which prompt perpetrators to consider how their behaviour might be affecting older people in their lives. -
Technology and Human Rights28 February 2024Opinion piece
Let’s not elevate brain tech over our humanity
Learn more about how Neuralink's successful implantation could raise human rights issues about neurotechnology. -
Rights and Freedoms14 December 2012Opinion piece
No need to abandon human rights to be tough on terror (2006)
In the post-September 11 world, debate about counter-terrorism is often characterised as an argument between 'the realists', who appreciate the need for tough new counter-terrorism laws, and 'the out of touch', who fail to take the terrorist threat seriously.