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Rights and Freedoms21 August 2019Project
Freedom of Religion
For over 20 years now, the Commission has advocated for more comprehensive legal protection in Australia for freedom of thought, conscience and religion. -
2 July 2021Conciliation register
The complainant has anxiety and Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder, as well as other medical conditions. He applied for total and permanent disability, income protection and life insurance with the respondent insurer through the respondent superannuation fund. The complainant alleged his application for life insurance was originally approved with certain exclusions and his… -
Rights and Freedoms12 October 2020Webpage
The International Bill of Rights
Explore the International Bill of Rights, which consists of key United Nations human rights policies that define and protect a wide range of human rights. -
Complaint Information Service29 January 2019Webpage
Information for advocates and lawyers participating in conciliation
The Commission values the positive role that advocates and lawyers can play in conciliation. Advocates and lawyers can provide important support to parties, assist parties understand and articulate how they see the law applies to a complaint and advise parties on possible options to resolve the complaint. Conciliators at the Commission decide whether it is appropriate for an advocate or… -
Age Discrimination22 July 2020Media Release
Urgent call to harmonise powers of attorney
Australia’s Age Discrimination Commissioner, the Hon Dr Kay Patterson AO, has called on the federal and state and territory Attorneys-General to act urgently to implement the Australian Law Reform Commission’s (ALRC) recommendations on powers of attorney at the COAG meeting on 27 July. The Australian Human Rights Commission has heard from lawyers, peak bodies and frontline workers of a sharp… -
Sex Discrimination3 May 2021Publication
Change the Routine: Independent Review into Gymnastics in Australia
Placing the voices of children and young people and their families at the centre, this report outlines the Commission’s key findings and presents 12 recommendations for whole of sport change. -
10 February 2021Conciliation register
The Complainant’s primary-school-aged son has autism, Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder, Generalised Anxiety Disorder and motor dyspraxia. She said her son had been enrolled in a vacation care program and after-school care program with the respondent out of school hours care provider. The complainant alleged the service declined to enrol her son for future programs because of the… -
10 February 2021Conciliation register
The complainant uses a wheelchair and has been issued with a disability parking permit by the relevant authority. She alleged the respondent parking station issued her with a contravention notice after she remained parked in an accessible parking bay longer than the allocated time. She claimed the parking station should allow persons who have disability parking permits longer parking periods… -
10 February 2021Conciliation register
The complainant has cancer, which required surgery and radiation therapy, and a work-related arm injury. She worked as an administrative officer with the respondent community organisation and alleged the operations manager ignored her, took away her work mobile phone and reduced her tasks. She alleged she was made redundant following a period of leave to undertake cancer treatment. On being … -
Sex Discrimination4 May 2021Speech
Launch of Change the Routine: Report on Review into Gymnastics
The Australian Human Rights Commission’s review of gymnastics in Australia highlights misconduct, abuse, and safety concerns. -
Sex Discrimination4 May 2021Speech
Launch of Change the Routine: Report on the Independent Review into Gymnastics in Australia 2021
Australian Human Rights Commission Independent Review into Gymnastics in Australia Monday, 3 May 2021, 2pm Kate Jenkins, Sex Discrimination Commissioner Launch speech [Check against delivery] I acknowledge the traditional owners of this land, the Gadigal people of the Eora nation, and pay my respects to their elders past and present. Feeling a combination of heartbreak and hope, I am here… -
9 May 2024Conciliation register
The complainant has a lung disease and believed she would be eligible for an exemption from mask-wearing requirements imposed in response to COVID-19. She said she felt breathless when attending the respondent bank and so pulled her mask below her chin. She alleged a bank attendant and the branch manager insisted the mask must cover her nose and mouth. On being notified of the complaint the… -
9 May 2024Conciliation register
The complainant has a neurological condition and paraplegia. He claimed the pool at the respondent gym, which he used for hydrotherapy, was not accessible and he had fallen as a result. He claimed he was offered a water-wheelchair but felt this was undignified and railings should be provided to allow safe access to the pool. On being notified of the complaint, the gym indicated a willingness…