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Asylum Seekers and Refugees17 July 2015Publication
Summary factsheet - The Forgotten Children: National Inquiry into Children in Immigration Detention 2014
The Forgotten Children: National Inquiry into Children in Immigration Detention 2014 Summary factsheet July 2015 What was the Inquiry about? On 3 February 2014 the President of the Commission announced a national inquiry into children in immigration detention. The purpose of the Inquiry was to investigate the ways in which life in immigration detention affects the health, well-being and -
Legal15 August 2016Submission
Information for List of Issues Prior to Reporting - Australia: Submission to Committee Against Torture (2016)
SUBMISSION BY THE AUSTRALIAN HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION Information for List of Issues Prior to Reporting - Australia 27 June 2016 Contents 1. Introduction 2. National Human Rights Institution 3. Ratification of OPCAT 4. Scrutiny of human rights and role of the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights 5. Violence against women and children 6. Trafficking in persons 7. Criminal Justice… -
15 June 2015Book page
8 Legal and policy framework
The following section outlines the relevant legal and policy framework, including the international human rights framework. 8.1 International legal framework The rights of older persons are protected by a number of key international human rights treaties. [27] However, there is no specific United Nations convention on the rights of older persons. [28] Some of the key rights protected under … -
24 April 2015Book page
3 Promotion and protection of human rights on the ground
3.1 Equality before the law and non-discrimination (a) Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples The UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples has yet to be implemented in law, policy and practice. [12] Recommendation: The Commission recommends that Government develop, in partnership with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, a National Strategy to give effect to the -
Legal10 October 2017Submission
Information concerning Australia’s compliance with the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (2017)
This submission provides information concerning the civil and political rights of key population groups in Australia and other thematic issues engaging civil and political rights. In relation to each section, the Commission has referred to the relevant articles of the ICCPR engaged and (where appropriate) the relevant paragraph of the Committee’s list of issues prior to reporting dated 9 November… -
10 April 2015Book page
2 Background and framework for promotion and protection of human rights
2.1 Scope of international obligations 2.2 National framework 2.3 Equality before the law and non-discrimination 2.4 Migrants, refugees and asylum seekers 2.5 Right to life, liberty and security of the person 2.1 Scope of international obligations Australia prides itself on its commitment to the promotion and protection of human rights and has announced its candidacy for election to the… -
Age Discrimination6 July 2016Speech
National Press Club speech - Susan Ryan
“The ageing revolution is not over” - Last time I spoke here I called my address “the longevity revolution”, and asked, “crisis or opportunity?”. I intended that question as a challenge but it seems my challenge has not been met. We are as a community, still floundering on the crisis side of the binary. Our approach is still steeped in the language of “burden” and “deficits”. We are still failing… -
14 April 2015Book page
1 Social justice - Year in review
1.1 Introduction 1.2 Machinery of Government changes 1.3 The 2014 Budget 1.4 Leadership, representation and engagement 1.5 Constitutional recognition 1.6 Indigenous Jobs and Training Review 1.7 Closing the Gap 1.8 Stolen Generations 1.9 International developments 1.10 Australian Human Rights Commission complaints 1.11 Conclusion 1.1 Introduction At the beginning of this reporting period, we… -
Legal14 December 2012Webpage
Date Index - Submissions to the Commonwealth Parliament and law reform bodies
Submissions to the Parliaments and law reform bodies Date Index On the instructions of the Commission, another function of the Legal Section is to prepare submissions to the Commonwealth Parliament. See below for some of the submissions prepared by the Legal Section and other units in the commission: See also Submissions sorted by committee sorted by subject other submissions 2018 -
Legal14 December 2012Webpage
Subject Index - Submissions to the Commonwealth Parliament
The Commission seeks to promote and protect human rights through submissions to parliamentary inquiries, government departments and law reform bodies. -
Legal14 December 2012Webpage
Submissions to parliaments and law reform bodies - Index by Committee
The Commission seeks to promote and protect human rights through submissions to parliamentary inquiries, government departments and law reform bodies. -
27 November 2015Book page
The need for better engagement - Year in review
1.1 Introduction In last year’s Social Justice and Native Title Report, I raised concerns about the changes resulting from the 2014-15 Budget and the restructure to Indigenous Affairs through the Indigenous Advancement Strategy (IAS). Despite initial concerns about how these changes would impact our communities, I indicated that the streamlining of programs and the move away from a ‘one size… -
27 March 2015Book page
3 Key issues emerging from the consultation
Right to freedom of expression Right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion Right to freedom of association Property rights The objective of Rights & Responsibilities 2014 was to actively seek and listen to people’s views across the country about how well their rights and freedoms are protected in Australia. This process provided an opportunity to identify systemic human rights… -
Legal31 May 2016Speech
Hotung Fellowship Public Lecture 2016
Human rights across the Tasman: a widening gulf. I am honoured to have been invited to give this lecture at the Law School of the University of Canterbury, funded by the generosity of the Sir Eric Hotung Fellowship. -
13 November 2014Book page
The Year in Review
Building understanding and respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms We all have a responsibility to respect the rights and freedoms of others. To make this a reality, the Commission works to build greater understanding of human rights and their importance in daily life. This is one of our two key priorities for 2011-2014. We work with a broad range of groups across the country,… -
Legal14 December 2012Webpage
Submission to National Human Rights Consultation (2009)
The Australian Human Rights Commission (the Commission) welcomes the opportunity to make this submission to the National Human Rights Consultation (the Consultation). -
Legal3 July 2019Webpage
Freedom of Information disclosure log
The Australian Human Rights Commission is required by section 11C of the Freedom of Information Act 1982 to publish a disclosure log on its website. The disclosure log lists information which has been released in response to an FOI access request. This requirement has applied since 1 May 2011.