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Encourage. Support. Act! - Acknowledgements

Encourage. Support. Act!

Bystander Approaches to Sexual Harassment in the Workplace


The Australian Human Rights
Commission acknowledges the authors:

  • Authors Paula McDonald and Michael Flood:

Paula McDonald is an
Associate Professor in the School of Management at the Queensland University of
Technology. Her research addresses a number of areas relevant to social justice
issues at work, including sexual harassment and other forms of gender-based
discrimination, the early work experiences of young people and work-life
boundaries. Paula has published several studies in the area of workplace sexual
harassment. These include a review article in the International Journal of
Management Reviews
in 2011; 2 articles using data from the Australian Human
Rights Commission 2008 prevalence study (with Sara Charlesworth) in Women’s Studies International Forum and the Australian Journal
of Social Issues
in 2011/2012; and an analysis of judicial decisions based
on a theory of ‘outrage management’ in the US journal Psychology
of Women Quarterly
(with Tina Graham and Brian Martin) in 2010. She is
currently leading an ARC Discovery project (with Sara Charlesworth) titled:
Sexual harassment in Australia: Contexts, outcomes and prevention.

Michael Flood is a Senior Lecturer in Sociology at the University of
Wollongong. His research focuses on the primary prevention of violence against
women, men and gender and young men’s heterosexual relations. He is the
lead editor of the International Encyclopedia of Men and Masculinities and the author of a wide variety of academic papers on men and masculinities,
violence against women and violence prevention, male heterosexuality, fathering
and pornography. Michael’s recent articles include pieces on involving
men in violence prevention in the journals Men and Masculinities (2011)
and Feminism & Psychology (2011), on young men’s pornography
use in the collection Everyday Pornographies (2010) and the report Where Men Stand: Men’s roles in ending violence against women (2010). Michael also is a trainer and community educator with a long involvement
in community advocacy and education work focused on men’s violence against

  • The Commission also acknowledges the contributions of Elizabeth Broderick,
    Sex Discrimination Commissioner and Andrea Durbach, Deputy Sex Discrimination
    Commissioner, Sex Discrimination Team and Community Engagement Team of the
    Australian Human Rights Commission.

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