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Human rights landmark as Australia legalises marriage equality

Parliament has today legislated for a fairer and more equal Australia by legalising marriage equality. “On this historic day, Australia joins over two dozen countries around the world in legislating for marriage equality,” said Australian Human Rights Commission President, Emeritus Professor...

Category, News
Rights and Freedoms

Human Rights Commission welcomes marriage postal survey result

Following the completion of the Federal Government postal survey on marriage reform, the Australian Human Rights Commission calls on Parliament to amend the Marriage Act so that civil marriage is available to all couples, regardless of sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or intersex status....

Category, News
Commission – General

Finalists announced for Young People's Medal

A diverse range of finalists will be vying for the 2017 Young People’s Medal, with judges revealing their top five nominees. “I congratulate this outstanding group of young people for their dedication to advancing human rights,” said Commission President, Emeritus Professor Rosalind Croucher. They...

Category, News
Commission – General

Finalists announced for Community Organisation Award

The Australian Human Rights Commission has announced five finalists for the Human Rights Awards in the Community Organisation category. The award is presented each year to a non-government or community based organisation with a proven track record in promoting and advancing human rights in the...

Category, News
Rights and Freedoms

Peering through human rights-tinted glasses

Annual Lecture, Castan Centre for Human Rights Law. Given at the State Library of Victoria on 7 October 2016. This year, we celebrate (or mourn, according to your perspective) the 60th anniversary of the first computer to defeat a human in chess. It occurred, predictably enough, in Los Alomos, and...

Category, Speech

Same-sex marriage: a law that protects the rights of all parties

A law can be designed to protect the rights of all and avoid a distracting and divisive debate on marriage for same-sex couples. There are two fundamental human rights that could be affected by any change: equality before the law and religious freedom. During the recent National Press Club debate...

Category, Opinion
Sex Discrimination

Speeches on Sex Discrimination Issues

Speeches on Sex Discrimination Issues Click here to visit the Sex Discrimination section [ Year: 2012 : 2011 : 2010 : 2009 : 2008 : 2007 : 2006 : 2005 : 2004 : 2002 : 2001 : 2000 : 1998 : 1997 : 1996 ] 2012 Working without fear Elizabeth Broderick, Sex Discrimination Commissioner, Australian Human...

Category, Speech

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