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Conciliation Register

Act Disability Discrimination Act
Grounds Disability
Areas Employment
Outcome details



Statement of service 

Policy change/Change in practice

Amount Approximately $34,200

The complainant has macula degeneration, which causes vision loss. The respondent transportation company terminated the complainant’s employment as an engineer at the end of his probation period. The complainant alleged the company failed to provide him with timely feedback on his performance and failed to provide him with adjustments to enable him to perform the inherent requirements of his job, including failing to commission an occupational health assessment. The complainant acknowledged the company expressed concerns about his performance but claimed any performance issues could have been addressed had he received timely feedback and adjustments to accommodate his disability.

On being advised of the complaint, the company indicated a willingness to try to resolve the complaint by conciliation.

The complaint was resolved with an agreement that the company pay the complainant approximately $34,200 as an ex-gratia payment and provide him with a statement of service. The company also agreed to write to the complainant apologising for the events giving rise to his complaint and outlining the changes the company intended to implement in response to his experience in the workplace.

Act Disability Discrimination Act
Grounds Carer or assistant
Areas Goods, services and facilities
Outcome details



The complainant has a back and leg injury and anxiety and has a carer. She advised she lived in public housing that was not appropriate for someone with her disability and could not appropriately accommodate a carer. She alleged the public housing provider failed to action her request for appropriate housing.

On being advised of the complaint, the relevant government department indicated a willingness to participate in conciliation to try and resolve the complaint.

The complaint was resolved. The complainant was offered accommodation that was appropriate for her disability and need for a carer.


Act Disability Discrimination Act
Grounds Disability
Unlawful to contravene Disability Standards
Areas Disability Standards
Outcome details

Adjustments provided


The complainant is legally blind and was studying at the respondent university. She alleged reading material was not provided to her in a format accessible to her.

On being advised of the complaint, the university indicated a willingness to participate in conciliation to try to resolve the complaint.

The complaint was resolved with an agreement that the university convert all materials available in PDF format to Word format, which is accessible to the complainant using screen reading software.


Act Age Discrimination Act
Grounds Age
Areas Goods, services and facilities
Outcome details

Apology - Private  

Goods/services/facilities - other (individual) 

Training - other  


The complainant is 71 years of age and a long-term customer of the respondent bank. He made enquiries about obtaining a home-loan to enable him to buy an investment property which may later become his home. He alleged he was told it was the bank’s policy not to offer home loans to persons over 70 years of age without taking into account his ability to repay the loan. The complainant received a superannuation pension and owned significant assets.


The bank claimed that the complainant was ineligible to proceed with a loan application due to his income and the potential for the loan to place him into financial hardship. The bank claimed that providing a loan to the complainant would not be considered responsible lending.  

The complaint was resolved. The bank acknowledged that its staff did not ask for, or collect, all relevant information before making an assessment about the complainant's request and apologised for his experience. The bank undertook to offer the relevant staff member additional training and to ensure that all staff are aware of their obligations when assessing loan applications. It was also agreed that the branch manager would contact the complainant directly to discuss the information needed to ensure a thorough assessment of his request. 

Act Racial Discrimination Act
Grounds Ethnic origin
Areas Goods, services and facilities
Outcome details

Action taken against named individuals 




Amount $1,000

The complainant purchased some items at an outlet of the respondent charity. He claimed a store attendant asked him where he was from. He alleged that when he informed her he was from China, she made comments to the effect that 'the Chinese are doing lots of nasty things to the world' and 'Chinese are disgusting'. 

The respondent charity said the person involved had a different recollection of the conversation but admitted making comments of a political nature about the Chinese government. The charity said that such comments were contrary to its code of conduct and it therefore terminated the person's engagement as a volunteer with the charity.

The complaint was resolved. The charity apologised to the complainant for the incident and agreed to pay him $1,000 as general damages.

Act Sex Discrimination Act
Grounds Sex
Areas Goods, services and facilities
Outcome details

Revised terms and conditions


The complainant said he was initially denied entry to a club operated by the respondent company because he was wearing a sleeveless top. He changed into a shirt with sleeves in order to be admitted into the club premises. He said once in the club, he observed many women wearing sleeveless garments. The complainant said the club manager responded to his feedback on the issue by confirming he had not previously met the club’s dress code.

The company advised it operated a number of licenced club premises with unique and independent licencing and trading conditions and independent management. The company said that the club the complainant attended had ceased to operate and therefore amending the dress regulations for that club was obsolete. 

The complaint was resolved with an agreement that the company change the dress code requirements for its other clubs.

Act Age Discrimination Act
Disability Discrimination Act
Grounds Age
Areas Employment
Outcome details


Amount Approximately $61,000

The complainant is 70 years of age and has a chronic eye condition. He alleged that following a restructure, the Chairman of the company told him his role as Chief Financial Officer would be made redundant because of his age and vision impairment and to allow the company to recruit someone younger. He alleged he was pressured for his redundancy to be announced as his retirement even though he did not wish to retire.

The respondents denied the allegations but indicated a willingness to participate in conciliation to try to resolve the complaint.

The complaint was resolved with an agreement that the company pay the complainant $20,000 as general damages and buy back his shares in the company, which were worth approximately $41,000.

Act Disability Discrimination Act
Grounds Disability
Areas Administration of Commonwealth laws and programs
Goods, services and facilities
Outcome details



The complainant has a number of disabilities, including a vision impairment. She claimed that she was unable to independently access the respondent government agency's online services because the agency required her to sign in using a security code provided by text message instead of the previously used security questions. The complainant claimed she was unable to use a smart phone to access the security code before it expired because of her disability. 

On being informed of the complaint, the government agency agreed to participate in conciliation.

The complaint was resolved with an undertaking by the government agency to provide the complainant with face-to-face assistance to complete the required paperwork and to offer this assistance in the future as needed.

Act Disability Discrimination Act
Grounds Disability
Areas Goods, services and facilities
Outcome details

Access to premises provided  

Revised terms and conditions  

Policy change/Change in practice 


The complainant alleged the respondent club told him he was not permitted to use his mobility scooter inside club premises and would need to leave it at the club entrance. He said the club offered him the use of a wheelchair, but this was not suitable as he is unable to walk without assistance or transfer to and from the wheelchair independently. He alleged that despite being informed of this, the club insisted that he was not permitted to use his mobility scooter inside club premises. 

On being notified of the complaint, the club indicated a willingness to participate in conciliation to try to resolve the complaint.

The complaint was resolved with an undertaking by the club to revise the terms and conditions of entry for patrons who use mobility scooters and/or motorised wheelchairs to alleviate the impacts of the disability. Patrons with mobility scooters or electric wheelchairs would be granted access to club premises so long as they: 

* Operate the mobility scooter or wheelchair in a safe manner 

* Not travel faster than walking pace when inside the Club or within a crowded area to avoid ‘overtaking’ of patrons who are walking  

* Avoid distractions such as headphones, mobile phones or other electronic devices when operating the mobility scooter or wheelchair  

* Slow down and take care when turning around corners.  

The club advised that patrons using mobility scooters or electric wheelchairs who do not abide by these requirements may be asked to leave. 

Act Disability Discrimination Act
Grounds Assistance animal
Areas Goods, services and facilities
Outcome details

Policy change/Change in practice


The complainant’s son has autism and has an assistance dog. She alleged the respondent motel refused her booking on the basis that it does not allow pets or animals in the motel.

The motel confirmed it did not accept animals and agreed to participate in conciliation to try to resolve the complaint.

The complaint was resolved after the motel confirmed in writing that assistance animals would be welcomed at the motel in future.


Act Disability Discrimination Act
Grounds Disability
Areas Goods, services and facilities
Outcome details


Revised terms and conditions 

Amount $5,000

The complainant has asthma and psychosocial disability, including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), related to trauma. She has an assistance dog. The complainant’s general practitioner referred her to the respondent health clinic for a consultation with the respondent doctor. The clinic’s receptionist contacted her to confirm that she would be undergoing certain medical procedures prior to the consultation. The complainant claimed that the thought of the intrusive medical procedures caused her anxiety and stress and she told the receptionist of her worry that it would trigger her PTSD.

The complainant also wrote to the doctor requesting information about what was going to happen at the appointment so that she could make adequate preparations (for example, whether to request sedation and what to do with her assistance dog during the appointment), asking the doctor if she could deliver trauma-informed care; and asking how she would approach further communications to alleviate her anxiety. 

The clinic’s practice manager wrote to the complainant to advise the doctor’s view that, having considered her clinical record and communications, she could not provide trauma informed healthcare and suggested she engage with a public healthcare provider instead.

The respondents advised they did not refuse a service. Rather they honestly answered the complainant's questions about whether or not the doctor had training in trauma informed care with a particular training organisation, which she had not. The respondents said it was their understanding that the complainant did not wish to proceed with the appointment.

The complaint was resolved with an agreement that the respondents pay the complainant $5,000 ex gratia. The doctor agreed to undertake training in trauma informed care and then make an assessment as to what training may be required for other staff at the practice. The clinic undertook to review its policies and procedures in light of the issues raised in the complaint.

Act Other discrimination in employment
Grounds Criminal record
Areas Employment
Outcome details

Job offer  

Employment – reinstated 

Anti-discrimination/EEO policy developed 


The complainant was placed with the respondent food services and utilities management company by a labour-hire company. She claimed she was encouraged to apply for permanent employment with the company but her application was unsuccessful and she was banned from the premises because of her criminal record. The complainant had been convicted of traffic infringements, trespassing and providing misleading information. 

On being advised of the complaint, the company indicated a willingness to try to resolve the complaint by conciliation. 

The complaint was resolved with an agreement that the company re-consider the complainant’s application and review its anti-discrimination policies with a focus on legislation regarding criminal record discrimination. The complainant’s application was successful and she commenced employment with company.  

Act Disability Discrimination Act
Grounds Disability
Unlawful to contravene Disability Standards
Areas Disability Standards
Outcome details

Adjustments provided 

Statement of regret



The complainant's 13-year-old son has autism and obsessive-compulsive disorder. The complainant alleged one local public high school refused to enrol his son and that another delayed his enrolment for five months. He also alleged the public high school his son attended did not provide him with adjustments to accommodate his disabilities and this failure resulted in his son being suspended on multiple occasions, being isolated from his class and being unable to play with his peers. 

On being advised of the complaint, the respondents indicated a willingness to try to resolve the complaint by conciliation.

The complaint was resolved. The department responsible for the operation of the schools agreed to write to the complainant expressing regret for the events giving rise to the complaint. The high school the complainant’s son attended agreed to facilitate a more active parental involvement, implement new educational objectives and a new positive behaviour reward system for the complainant’s son.

Act Disability Discrimination Act
Grounds Disability
Areas Employment
Outcome details


Record changed 


Amount $5,000

The complainant has Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and social anxiety and worked as a storeman with the respondent company. He said he informed his manager of his disability and its potential impact on his interactions with others. He alleged his manager responded in a dismissive manner to his disclosure and later failed to respond to his concerns that colleagues were reacting negatively when he disclosed or tried to explain the nature of his disability. The company stood the complainant down following an incident at a company social event and terminated his employment at the conclusion of the probation period.

The company said the complainant behaved in a manner that placed himself and others at risk during a company social event. The company said the complainant's behaviour was contrary to company values and the employment relationship was therefore not sustainable.

The complaint was resolved. The company agreed to pay the complainant $5,000 as an Eligible Termination Payment, to characterise the end of the employment as a resignation and to provide him with a reference.


Act Disability Discrimination Act
Grounds Assistance animal
Areas Goods, services and facilities
Outcome details

Revised terms and conditions


The complainant has anxiety, depression and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and has two assistance animals. He alleged the respondent government agency told him he could not bring his dogs to appointments and that the police may be called if he tried to do so.

The government agency claimed that, at the time of the appointment, the complainant was unable to provide any information to demonstrate that the dogs were assistance animals. The agency said the complainant was not denied a service, only asked to leave his dogs outside.

The complaint was resolved. The complainant provided additional information to demonstrate that his dogs are assistance animals and the government agency undertook that he could bring his assistance animals to future appointments.