The value of human rights
Everyone has the right to be safe and free from discrimination. The foundation of a fair and inclusive society, human rights recognise the inherent value of each person. No matter who we are, or what our situations are, we all have the right to be treated with respect and dignity. Learn more about human rights.
Submissions, Reports and Publications
The Australian Human Rights Commission advocate to government and others for human rights to be considered in laws and policy making, and we also provide advice, review laws, and make submissions to parliamentary inquiries.

Submissions by the Commission
The Commission provides specialist, independent legal analysis of human rights and discrimination issues for a wide range of groups.

Human Rights Reports by the Commission
The Commission can prepare reports of complaints, including recommendations for action, for the Attorney General.

Submission to Court as Intervener and Amicus Curiae
The Commission has the power to intervene, with leave of the Court, in proceedings that involve issues of race, sex and disability discrimination, human rights issues and equal opportunity in employment.
Review interventions by the Commission.
Governance, Guidelines and Complaints
The Australian Human Rights Commission has statutory responsibilities under federal human rights and anti-discrimination law. The Commission can investigate claims of unlawful discrimination and human rights breaches.

Anti-Discrimination Legislation
There are Federal laws to protect people from discrimination and from breaches of their human rights.

Exemptions to Legislation
The Commission is able to grant temporary exemptions from some parts of the anti-discrimination legislation.

About making a complaint
The Australian Human Rights Commission can investigate claims of unlawful discrimination and human rights breaches.

Freedom of Information
The Australian Human Rights Commission has obligations under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 including publication of a Freedom of Information log.

Information Publication Scheme
The Commission is committed to continue building a proactively transparent culture, by publishing a broad range of information available to the public online.
Find out more about the Information Publication Scheme.

Commission Guidelines
The Australian Human Rights Commission operates within set guidelines in relation to complaint handling, public comment, application for intervention and exemptions.