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Photographs from the Ismaع launch - Media Pack

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Media Pack

from the Ismaع

Photo : HREOC President The Hon. John von Doussa

The Hon. John von Doussa

Photo 1 lo-res jpeg

Photo 1 hi-res tiff (8,466KB)
Photo : Acting Race Discrimination Commissioner,  Dr William Jonas

Dr William Jonas

Photo 2 lo-res jpeg

Photo 2 hi-res tiff (3,402KB)
Photo : Acting Race Discrimination Commissioner,  Dr William Jonas

Dr William Jonas

Photo 3 lo-res jpeg

Photo 3 hi-res tiff (3,972KB)
Photo : Acting Race Discrimination Commissioner,  Dr William Jonas

Dr William Jonas

Photo 4 lo-res jpeg

Photo 4 hi-res tiff (8,472KB)
Photo : Community Liaison Officer, Omeima Sukkarieh

Omeima Sukkarieh

Photo 5 lo-res jpeg

Photo 5 hi-res tiff (3,019KB)

Photo : Community Liaison Officer, Omeima Sukkarieh

Omeima Sukkarieh

Photo 6 lo-res jpeg

Photo 6 hi-res tiff (5,786KB)

The Commission permits and encourages
the use of these photographs by media outlets.

For further information or assistance please email:


Last updated 16 June 2004.