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Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice8 July 2019Speech
Maranguka Education, Employment and Training Community Summit
Acknowledgements Jalangurru lanygu balangarri. Yaningi warangira ngindaji yuwa muwayi ingirranggu, Ngemba yani U. Yaningi miya ngindaji Muwayi ingga winyira ngarragi thangani. Yathawarra, wilalawarra jalangurru ngarri guda. Good day everyone. I acknowledge the traditional owners, the Ngemba peoples, of the land we meet on today. This is the first time the ears of this land hears my language… -
Business and Human Rights12 November 2021Publication
Modern Slavery in the Health Services Sector
Modern Slavery in the health services sector: Practical responses to managing risks to people, is a guide to help the health services industry respond effectively to the Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth). The Act requires certain large companies to report annually on their efforts to address risks of modern slavery in their global operations and supply chains. -
Asylum Seekers and Refugees13 October 2020Opinion piece
Who are we leaving behind?
In presenting last week’s Federal Budget, Treasurer Josh Frydenberg said, “we will get through this together.” Togetherness is an important value in Australia. It speaks to the basic liberal democratic principle that no-one in our community should be left behind. While much of last week’s Budget analysis focused on the details of tax breaks and tax cuts, at a basic level the Budget is also a… -
Children's Rights17 January 2019Speech
Megan Mitchell at the National Press Club
I would like to acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the land we gather on today, and across Australia, and pay my respects to Elders past, present and future. Thanks to UNICEF for the opportunity to share the moment in which both our reports are submitted, and Anne Sherry in particular. Congratulations also to UNICEF and the Child Rights Taskforce on this fabulous report. When Australia… -
8 December 2020Book page
Part 1: Our women and girls' voices
Discover a national conversation on how to promote the human rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women and girls and their communities. -
Race Discrimination19 August 2020Project
Racial Equality Review of Basketball Australia
In an ongoing effort to ensure that basketball is a truly inclusive sport, Basketball Australia has engaged the Australian Human Rights Commission to undertake a Racial Equality Review. -
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice15 March 2023Media Release
Commission opens registrations for landmark summit of First Nations women
This historic event is set to inform a range of new approaches for advancing the rights, health, safety, wellbeing and economic opportunities of First Nations women and girls. -
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice15 March 2023Webpage
About Constitutional Recognition
What is the Constitution, what does constitutional recognition mean for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and what has happened to get there? -
Disability Rights19 December 2019Video
Rosemary Kayess, winner of the 2019 Human Rights Medal
Rosemary Kayess has won the prestigious 2019 Human Rights Medal in recognition of her work in international human rights law for people with disability. Ms Kayess, a leading human rights advocate for people with disability in Australia and worldwide, contributed to drafting the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and successfully lobbied for its ratification… -
Asylum Seekers and Refugees26 July 2019Media Release
Transferring asylum seeker families to Nauru – human rights report
The practice of sending to Nauru families with young children who arrived in Australia seeking asylum is the subject of an inquiry report by the Australian Human Rights Commission tabled in Parliament today. [1] Mr Richard Lancaster SC, as delegate of the President, found that the regional processing centre on Nauru was not an appropriate place to send families with young children… -
Children's Rights30 January 2022Media Release
Children urged to share COVID-19 experiences
As most Australian children return to school today, they are being invited to share their stories about how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected their wellbeing, and how they have coped. -
Rights and Freedoms3 September 2019Media Release
Statement by Human Rights Commissioner Edward Santow on the draft Religious Discrimination Bill
“For more than 20 years, the Australian Human Rights Commission has called for reform to prohibit all forms of discrimination on the basis of religious and other beliefs. “Any reform in this area must protect the human rights of all people in Australia, regardless of their religion, race, gender, sexual orientation or any other status. “We will be studying the content of the draft Bill… -
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice22 March 2019Publication
Close the Gap report – “Our Choices, Our Voices” (2019)
To address the widening life expectancy gap between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and non- Indigenous Australians, we have identified three priority areas that must be addressed. -
Rights and Freedoms21 April 2020Opinion piece
Resisting extremism in a pandemic
When the COVID-19 pandemic spread to this big island of ours, our leaders made a momentous decision: they decided to save as many human lives as possible. This was the right decision. It shows we as a country care about human life above all else. But now we face an even harder question: how to save lives while preventing economic collapse and staying true to our democratic values? In order… -
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice16 December 2020Opinion piece
We have failed to recognise the contributions of First Nations women and girls
Our voices heard and understood. Our lives and expertise recognised. Our actions counted and invested in as critical to the health and wellbeing of society. These are the powerful and determined calls of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women and girls in Australia today. They are set-out and responded to in the Wiyi Yani U Thangani (Women’s Voices): Securing our Rights, Securing our… -
Age Discrimination20 August 2024Submission
Inquiry into the Financial Services Regulatory Framework in Relation to Financial Abuse (2024)
Submission to the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Corporations and Financial Services -
Children's Rights12 July 2019Speech
Children’s Rights in Australia: looking back and moving forward
Good morning everyone. I’d like to begin today by acknowledging the traditional owners of the land, the Widjabul people of the Bundjalung nation. I acknowledge and respect their continuing culture and the contribution they make. I also pay my respects to elders past, present and emerging. I’d also like to thank Professor Anne Graham for inviting me to speak to you today. And I also want to … -
Commission – General7 April 2022News story
Statement on international accreditation of the Australian Human Rights Commission
The Australian Human Rights Commission’s status as a National Human Rights Institution (NHRI) has been reviewed by the Global Alliance of National Human Rights Institutions (GANHRI) – the international standards body. This review, conducted every five years, considers whether the Commission continues to meet the UN Principles on National Institutions (commonly known as the Paris Principles),… -
Children's Rights15 November 2022News story
Governments must urgently address youth justice crisis
The Australian Human Rights Commission calls on all Australian governments to urgently address the national crisis in youth justice to prevent further harm to children in detention, and to reduce youth offending through effective systems of support. -
Children's Rights24 December 2019Video
Vanessa Turnbull-Roberts, winner of the 2019 Young People's Human Rights Medal
Receiving her award, Young People’s Human Rights Medal Winner Vanessa Turnbull-Roberts said, “The system does not work for our kids who are incarcerated - my mind and my spirit can't help but think of those young people that aren't here right now. “I ask that every single person assess your privilege and show up on the front line. We need to amplify those voices and we need to raise those…
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