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14 December 2012Book page
Social Justice Report 2007 - Appendix 1
[1] The full text of the Bilateral Agreement is available online at:, accessed 24 January 2008. [2] Andrews, K., (Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations), CDEP 2006-07 To Build On Success, Media Release, 1 July 2006. [3] Bishop, J., (Minister for Education, Science and Training), Early childhood focus for Indigenous… -
14 December 2012Book page
Annual Report 2008-2009: Chapter 8
2008-09 has been a year of positive developments in the human rights area. While many human rights challenges lie ahead, as Human Rights Commissioner, I have been excited by the progress that Australia has made in human rights, both domestically and internationally during the year. -
14 December 2012Book page
Social Justice Report 2006
This appendix provides an overview of the main events with regard to the administration of Indigenous affairs to 30 June 2006. It commences with a summary table and is followed by a detailed description of each event. -
14 December 2012Book page
Social Justice Report 2007 - Acknowledgements
The position of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner was established within the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission in 1993 to carry out the following functions: -
14 December 2012Book page
Native Title Report 2007: Chapter 1
Native title is now well established in Australian law. The native title system was set up in 1994 under the Native Title Act 1993 (Cth) (the Native Title Act). It is for gaining recognition and protection of native title, and for resolving native title matters. It has been successfully used in many parts of the country. -
14 December 2012Book page
Native Title Report 2007: Chapter 7
The Yankunytjatjara and Pitjantjatjara and other Indigenous people of the town of Yulara, in the shadows of Uluru, had their claim for compensation for extinguishment of native title rejected by Justice Sackville in the Federal Court (the Jango case)1in 2006. The Noongar people (the Noongar case)2 had their claim for native title over the metropolitan area of Perth upheld. Further north, around… -
Commission – General14 March 2024Speech
‘Bringing rights home—mapping an agenda on human rights in Australia
‘Bringing rights home—mapping an agenda on promoting, protecting and fulfilling human rights in Australia Michael Kirby Justice Oration 2021 Emeritus Professor Rosalind Croucher AM President, Australian Human Rights Commission The annual Kirby orations pay tribute to Michael Kirby’s commitment to social justice and human rights and his relationship as friend, colleague and mentor to Victoria… -
14 December 2012Book page
Annual Report 2008-2009: Chapter 9
This report covers my final year as the Race Discrimination Commissioner, a position I have occupied for five years alongside my position as the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner. -
14 December 2012Book page
Social Justice Report 2007 - Appendix 2
To develop a nationwide picture of existing government initiatives that address family violence, the Social Justice Commissioner sent correspondence to all State, Territory and relevant Australian government departments[1] requesting information on their policies and programs during the period 2006-2007. -
14 December 2012Book page
Annual Report 06-07: Chapter 11 - International Activities
While the role and functions of HREOC as set out in legislation are primarily directed towards human rights issues within Australia, HREOC undertakes an international education and training role, with a specific focus on agencies in the Asia Pacific region. In 2006-07, as in past years, most of this has taken the form of technical cooperation programs with other countries. -
14 December 2012Book page
Annual Report 06-07: Chapter 8 - Human Rights
The 2006-07 year has been largely dedicated to identifying and eliminating the discrimination faced by people in same-sex relationships in accessing basic financial and work-related entitlements. -
14 December 2012Book page
Annual Report 2008-2009: Chapter 2
One of the Commission’s central functions is to undertake education programs that increase public awareness and generate discussion of human rights and anti-discrimination issues within Australia. -
14 December 2012Book page
Annual Report 06-07: Appendix 3
During 2006–07, HREOC received 18 initial requests for access to documents under the Freedom of Information Act. HREOC was also asked to conduct an internal review of two of those decisions. -
14 December 2012Book page
Native Title Report 2007: Chapter 6
‘CATSI’ is an acronym for the Commonwealth’s Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006 (Cth), which came into effect on 1 July 2007. The Act ‘primarily provides for the incorporation and regulation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporations’. It replaces the Aboriginal Councils and Associations Act 1976 (Cth) (the ACA Act). -
14 December 2012Book page
Annual Report 2008-2009: Chapter 5
The Commission has a function of intervening, with the leave of the Court, in proceedings that involve issues of human rights, equal opportunity in employment and age, race, sex, marital status, pregnancy and disability discrimination. -
14 December 2012Book page
Annual Report 2008-2009: Chapter 11
While its role and functions, as set out in legislation, are primarily directed towards human rights issues within Australia, the Commission undertakes an international education and training role, with a specific focus on agencies in the Asia-Pacific region. -
14 December 2012Book page
Annual Report 06-07: Chapter 6 - Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice
I have spent a lot of time this past year convincing people from all walks of life that the challenges facing Indigenous peoples in this country are not insurmountable. -
14 December 2012Book page
Annual Report 06-07: Annual Report 06-07: Appendix 1
The International Labour Organisation Convention 111 deals with discrimination in employment and occupation. Australian adherence to this Convention provides that all people have the right to equal treatment in employment and occupation without discrimination on the basis of: -
14 December 2012Book page
Social Justice Report 2006: Chapter 2: The new arrangements for Indigenous affairs – facilitating Indigenous access to government services
It has now been over two years since the federal government introduced new arrangements for the administration of Indigenous affairs. One of the catchcries of the new arrangements is that they are aimed at ‘harnessing the mainstream.’ This is to be achieved by removing or reducing the barriers that prevent Indigenous peoples from accessing existing mainstream services on an equitable… -
14 December 2012Book page
Annual Report 06-07: Chapter 5 - Legal Services
The Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission Act gives HREOC the function of inquiring into complaints concerning breaches of human rights or discrimination in employment. HREOC attempts to resolve such complaints through conciliation where appropriate. If the matter is not resolved through conciliation and the President is satisfied that a breach of human rights or an act of discrimination…