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14 December 2012Book page
It's About Time - Recommendations
That the Australian Bureau of Statistics be funded to produce a full national time use survey at regular five-yearly intervals to help inform and measure progress towards gender equality in paid and unpaid work. -
14 December 2012Book page
Law Society Journal 2008: When is performing a government function a service?
An earlier version of this article was published in the NSW Law Society Journal in March 2008. The article has now been updated to include the decision of the Full Federal Court. -
Children's Rights26 June 2019Speech
Speech to NSW & ACT Professional Standards Network
A speech by Megan Mitchell covering The Royal Commission’s recommendations, the connection between those recommendations and the National Principles, work we’re doing at the Australian Human Rights Commission in the Child Safe Organisations project, how religious organisations can implement the National Principles, government responses to the Royal Commission’s recommendations and recent… -
14 December 2012Book page
Indigenous Deaths in Custody: Part E Profiles: Indigenous Deaths in Custody 1989 - 1996
The deceased was in the psychiatric unit at Long Bay Prison. He approached a nurse on 25 July 1989 at 2.30pm and stated he was feeling ill. She gave him advice as to the illness and provided him with medication. He later approached another nurse and said he wanted to return to his cell. The nurse checked with a prison officer and he was taken to his cell at about 3.30pm. At 4.10pm he was… -
Education25 February 2015Webpage
Face the facts: Children's Rights
Learn how Australia signed the Convention on the Rights of the Child to help protect vulnerable groups of children and young people who are at risk. -
Rights and Freedoms1 August 2019Publication
Discussion paper: Priorities for federal discrimination law reform
This paper sets out the Commission’s preliminary views on the priorities for federal discrimination law reform. It identifies the need for reform, the principles that should guide it, and the 11 major priority areas for reform to ensure effective protection against discrimination at the federal level. -
28 November 2014Book page
Discover a range of teaching resources for school students developed by the Human Rights Commission that help raise awareness of disability rights -
Age Discrimination10 July 2019Publication
Multigenerational workforces
While older workers bring skills and knowledge to the workplace, age discrimination still presents a significant barrier to meaningful participation in the workforce. In 2016–17, 58% of age discrimination complaints received by the Australian Human Rights Commission (the Commission) were related to work. -
Legal14 December 2012Webpage
Submission - Proposed minor native title amendments (2009)
You are all aware of the cultural, linguistic and historical factors that impact upon Indigenous people’s interaction with the legal system. Such factors that include: -
Sex Discrimination21 June 2019Publication
Independent review of residential colleges at the Uni of New England
The Australian Human Rights Commission (‘the Commission’) was engaged by the University of New England (UNE) to undertake an independent, expert led review of the seven residential colleges at UNE. The review process led to a comprehensive understanding of: the culture at each of the seven UNE colleges, specifically in relation to attitudes towards women, sexual assault and sexual harassment -
14 December 2012Book page
2. Inquiry Methodology
The Inquiry has been committed to hearing from all parties in the Australian community who have been involved with the immigration detention of children. -
Race Discrimination7 June 2019Publication
Let’s talk race: A guide on how to conduct conversations about racism (2019)
The Australian Human Rights Commission has developed this guide to assist Australian organisations in conducting meaningful and productive conversations about racism. It can be used in conventional workplaces, community groups, faith organisations, sporting clubs as well as other organisations. -
Age Discrimination5 May 2019Publication
Older Women’s Risk of Homelessness: Background Paper (2019)
This background paper provides context regarding older women’s homelessness. It offers some potential solutions to reduce women’s risk of homelessness with a focus on preventative and innovative approaches that look beyond social and community housing as the answer. -
Legal14 December 2012Webpage
Notice of Grant of Temporary Exemption under section 44(1) of the Age Discrimination Act 2004 (Cth) [2012]
By this instrument, under section 44(1) of the Age Discrimination Act 2004 (Cth)(ADA), the Australian Human Rights Commission grants an exemption to the State of New South Wales - Department of Family and Community Services, Ageing Disability and Home Care (the Applicant) from the operation of sections 28 and 29 of the ADA. The exemption is granted for a period of one year from the date of this… -
14 December 2012Book page
Corporate Responsibility - Developing principles on Resource Development on Indigenous land: Human Rights Based Approach to Mining on Aboriginal Land
Human rights constitute the ethical basis of the social contract between those who exercise power and accrue wealth, and those whose lives are affected by this exercise and accrual. Where such a relationship has no ethical basis and is inconsistent with human rights principles it is not a sustainable relationship. Coercion may prolong it for some time but this is costly to maintain and eventually… -
Rights and Freedoms14 December 2012Speech
Building an Australia Fit for Children: Dr Sev Ozdowski (2001)
Keynote presentation delivered at the 8th National Conference of the Association for the Welfare of Child Health (AWCH) - "Children on the margin: addressing the health care needs of marginalised children and young people", 11 October 2001, Dr Sev Ozdowski -
Children's Rights25 September 2013Speech
Bullying, Young People and the Law
A speech by Megan Mitchell, Children's Commissioner. Research shows that 27 per cent of young people report they are bullied every two weeks or more, and about 1 in 10 Australian people experience cyber bullying on a regular basis. -
Rights and Freedoms4 May 2013Webpage
1981-86 Human Rights Commission: Reports
Australia's first federal Human Rights Commission was established by the Fraser Government under the Human Rights Commission Act 1981. This Act included a sunset clause (section 36) under which the first Commission ceased operation in 1986. The first Commission was replaced by the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission (now renamed as the Australian Human Rights Commission) in… -
Sex Discrimination17 January 2019Publication
Guidelines: Special measures under Sex Discrimination Act 1984(Cth)
These guidelines provide practical guidance to organisations and individuals to encourage the implementation of special measures. They are intended to offer a means by which workplaces and education and service providers, as well as administrators of Commonwealth law and programs, can assess their own equity initiatives for consistency with the SDA. -
Sex Discrimination12 January 2019Publication
Have your Say – Conversation Toolkit (2018)
The Commission has developed a toolkit to help interested individuals or groups within Australian workplaces, communities and groups to conduct facilitated conversations to inform the National Inquiry into sexual harassment in Australian workplaces. Anyone can use this toolkit to facilitate a discussion at your workplace, in a community organisation or among a group of friends.
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