Disability Discrimination Commissioner's Speech at the 2022 Jobs and Skills Summit
The participation rate for people with disability is and has remained at 53% for 28 years. The participation rate for people without disability is 83%.
The participation rate for people with disability is and has remained at 53% for 28 years. The participation rate for people without disability is 83%.
The compartmentalisation of disability policy has meant people with disability, or their representatives, are often expected to have the information and evidence to justify policy change and even when they do make their case, they need multiple levels and areas of government to support them.
The Australian Human Rights Commission and the Centre of Research Excellence in Disability and Health National Disability Strategy: Beyond 2020 webinar September 24, 2020 Ben Gauntlett, Disability Discrimination Commissioner Introductory Address Ladies and gentlemen, distinguished guests; Good...
Columbia Law School Human Rights Institute Virtual Event Series May 7, 2020 Ben Gauntlett, Disability Discrimination Commissioner Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, fellow speakers. Thank you to Professor Emens for that kind introduction. COVID-19 exacerbates disadvantage – but in doing so...
Dr Ben Gauntlett National Labor Disability Summit Melbourne November 1, 2019 Good disability policy benefits all Australians. When we think of disability policy, it is not “us” and “them”, it is "we", we the people of Australia need good disability policy because it reflects our values of diversity...
DR BEN GAUNTLETT DISABILITY DISCRIMINATION COMMISSIONER AUSTRALIAN HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION QUEEN VICTORIA WOMEN'S CENTRE, MELBOURNE 28 OCTOBER 2019 Ladies and gentlemen, distinguished guests, I acknowledge my deep respect to the traditional owners of the land on which the Queen Victoria’s Women...
22nd Session of the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Australia’s appearance, 12 to 13 September 2019 Geneva, Palais des Nations Room XVII Opening Statement (5 minutes) Ben Gauntlett, Disability Discrimination Commissioner Thank you Mr Chairman. I welcome the opportunity to make...
22nd Session of the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities briefing with civil society, Monday, 9 September 2019 Geneva, Palais des Nations Room XVII Opening Statement of Australian Human Rights Commission Dr Ben Gauntlett...
The following speech was an introductory address delivered by Disability Discrimination Commissioner Ben Gauntlett at a policy forum convened by the Centre for Research Excellence in Disability and Health, held in Canberra on July 18, 2019. Good morning and welcome to today’s policy forum, which has...
The following speech was an opening presentation delivered by Disability Discrimination Commissioner Ben Gauntlett at a workshop on community attitudes towards people with disability convened by the Victorian Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Disability, held in Melbourne on June 28...
Media Statement from Alastair McEwin, Australian Disability Discrimination Commissioner I welcome today’s release of the draft terms of reference for the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability and the government’s commitment to establish a Royal...
It was 25 years ago this month that the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (Cth) (the ‘DDA’) commenced operation. On 1 March 1993, Australians with a dis¬ability had a national law that was designed to provide them with equality in many areas of life. Over the past quarter of a cen¬tury, the DDA...