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Job Advertisements


How a position is advertised is crucial to attracting the right sort of people for the job.

A good advertisement will focus exclusively on the essential skills and abilities needed to do the job. Only refer to personal characteristics, such as age, sex, marital status or race, if they are part of the genuine requirements of the job.

A discriminatory advertisement can limit the range of applicants you attract. Employers are required by law to avoid discrimination on the basis of protected attributes when recruiting staff.

Example: An advertisement for a promoter asks for applicants to be "single, fun-loving people who are free to work nights”. This discriminates on the basis of marital status by asking that applicants be single, where this is not part of the genuine requirements of the job.

Job advertisements should not discourage some people from applying or imply that only certain applicants will be considered. They should not include words, phrases or euphemisms that could be seen as restrictive.

Example: Phrases like “join a dynamic team” or “seeking mature, experienced professional” suggest that only applicants of a certain age will be considered.

Encourage as many suitable people as possible to apply. Advertise in a range of different ways to reach a greater diversity of applicants.

Consider including a statement in the advertisement that encourages people from different backgrounds to apply, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, people from different cultural backgrounds and people with disabilities.

If a recruitment agency is involved, it is important to ensure that they have a clear understanding of the requirements of the position and are fully aware of equal employment principles and anti-discrimination laws.