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Cartoon of multi ethnic group of diverse people
Race Discrimination

National Anti-Racism Framework

The Australian Human Rights Commission has launched a plan to develop a National Anti-Racism Framework. The Commission is working with all levels of Government, peak bodies, human rights agencies and community organisations to progress the Framework.

Missed Business
Disability Rights

How to attract more customers by providing better access to your business

Missed Business is a guide developed by the Australian Human Rights Commission and Marrickville Council. It aims to provide small businesses with information on how they can make their businesses more accessible to all their customers, particularly people with disabilities.
Aboriginal flag flying in city
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice

NILAC: National Indigenous Legal Advocacy Courses

The NILAC courses were transferred to Tranby - the National Indigenous Adult Education and Training Centre. Contact Tranby for more information on these courses.
Disability Rights

Access to tertiary education materials: Papers from 2002 HREOC forum

Access to tertiary education materials: Papers from participants in HREOC forum Some of these papers have been converted by HREOC to HTML for ease of access. Others which our software does not appear to convert fully accurately remain in the formats submitted by participants. Please advise us by...
Logo: Children in Immigration Detention
Children's Rights

National Inquiry into Children in Immigration Detention

The Australian Human Rights Commission’s (then known as the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission) National Inquiry into Children in Immigration Detention was announced on 28 November 2001. The Inquiry was conducted throughout 2002. It received over 340 submissions and visited all...
'Freedom' - child's artwork from Rural and Remote Education Inquiry
Rights and Freedoms

Rural and Remote Education Inquiry

Rural and Remote Education Inquiry The National Inquiry into Rural and Remote Education was initiated by the Commission in February 1999. The 1998 Bush Talks consultations on the human rights concerns of regional, rural and remote Australians had revealed that access to education of an appropriate...
Photo: last will
Disability Rights

Living wills

About the Commission's work on "living wills", or advance directives, and their potential in the mental health area.
Jillaroos on Bush Talks
Rights and Freedoms

Bush Talks: Rural Health

In 1998 and 1999 the Commission (then known as HREOC) visited regional, rural and remote areas in every State and the Northern Territory as part of the Bush Talks consultations.
