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Cartoon of multi ethnic group of diverse people
Race Discrimination

National Anti-Racism Framework

The Australian Human Rights Commission has launched a plan to develop a National Anti-Racism Framework. The Commission is working with all levels of Government, peak bodies, human rights agencies and community organisations to progress the Framework.

rainbow flag

New protection

Learn about new protections against discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity and intersex status.
Human rights poster
Rights and Freedoms

Rights and freedoms - right by right

As part of the development of our new website we are developing pages on human rights scrutiny by reference to each area of rights and obligations set out in the main human rights treaties which have been developed by the international community and adopted by Australia in the years since the...
Rights and Freedoms

Review of Universal Periodic Review commitments by Australia

What is the UPR and why does it matter | Commitments made at Australia's first UPR appearance | Review of commitments | Comments What is the UPR and why does it matter The Universal Periodic Review is a process undertaken by the United Nations Human Rights Council. It involves review of the human...

Supporting participation in key international forums

The Commission welcomes proposals for funding to support the participation of people with disability and organisations representing people with disability to attend key international forums on human rights
Counter-terrorism and human rights
Rights and Freedoms

Counter-terrorism and human rights

Since the events in the United States on 11 September 2001, the Australian Government has introduced more than 40 new counter-terrorism laws. Amongst other things, these laws have created:
Sex Discrimination

Investing in care: Recognising and valuing those who care

Background In 2009, the Commission examined the gender gap in retirement savings in the report, Accumulating poverty? Women’s experiences of inequality over the lifecycle. The report identified three strategies to redress women’s disadvantage in the current retirement income system including...
Image of an Australian $10 note.
Sex Discrimination

Ensuring women's lifetime economic security

The gender gap in retirement savings There is a large gap between the superannuation savings of Australian men and women. Because the current superannuation system is linked to paid work, it overwhelmingly disadvantages women who are more likely to move in and out of paid work to care for family...
Discrimination: Don't cop it!
Children's Rights

Discrimination: Don't cop it!

Discrimination. Don't cop it! You don’t have to put up with being treated unfairly because you’re young. There are laws to protect you against discrimination, harassment and bullying. These laws apply right across Australia. If you have a complaint, the Australian Human Rights Commission can look...

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Equality

Do you think you have been discriminated against in employment for reasons relating to your sexuality? See our Complaints page for information on how to make a complaint to the Australian Human Rights Commission.
Rights and Freedoms

Corporate Social Responsibility

The Australian Human Rights Commission has developed four short fact sheets to help Australian companies meet their responsibility to respect the human rights of those people impacted by their activities.
BackMeUp logo
Children's Rights

Back Me Up

The campaign was launched to encourage young people to support their friends targeted by cyberbullying.
