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Angelina and baby
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice

Close the Gap: Indigenous Health Campaign

Working together to achieve health and life expectation equality for Australia's Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

:	The	Fighting	Gunditjmara	Warrior.	Photograph	by	Tim	Kanoa	(2014).
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice

Social Justice and Native Title Reports

Learn how the Human Rights Legislation Amendment Act has meant there is no longer a legal requirement for an annual Social Justice and Native Title Report.
Muslim couple on the beach
Race Discrimination

Sharing the Stories of Australian Muslims

The Race Discrimination Commissioner is undertaking a project to listen to and share the stories of Australian Muslims. Specifically, the project aims to build robust intelligence about the experience of Australian Muslims to inform the Australian Human Rights Commission’s work in promoting social...
children at the sunset
Rights and Freedoms

Free and Equal Conference

The Free and Equal conference was the centrepiece of a national conversation and once-in-a-decade event. The conference was held at the Hyatt Regency Sydney on Tuesday 8 October 2019.
distraught older woman
Age Discrimination

Risk of Homelessness in Older Women

With many older women at risk of homelessness, the Age Discrimination Commissioner is working with sectors to develop innovative solutions to assist this rapidly growing group of women.
children smiling
Children's Rights

Child Safe Organisations

The National Principles aim to provide a nationally consistent approach to creating organisational cultures that foster child safety and wellbeing across all sectors in Australia.
home production of bracelets in India
Business and Human Rights

Bringing a gender lens to the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights

In light of the unique and disproportionate ways that business-related human rights abuses are experienced by women and girls, in 2017 the UN Working Group on Business and Human Rights (Working Group) launched a project considering the gender dimension of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and...

Uber Eats exemption

The Commission is interested in receiving submissions from interested people and parties about whether this temporary exemption should be granted.
Train exemption

Train exemption

Learn how the Commission received a joint application from the Queensland government and Queensland Rail for temporary exemptions to disability acts.
Bringing Them Home - interactive educational resource
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice

Bringing Them Home - interactive educational resource

Bringing them Home was the name given to the final report of the National Inquiry into the Separation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children from Their Families conducted by the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission (now called the Australian Human Rights Commission). The National...
Two men holding hands, getting married

Marriage equality

The Australian Human Rights Commission considers that the fundamental human rights principle of equality means that civil marriage should be available, without discrimination, to all couples, regardless of sex, sexual orientation or gender identity. Position Paper Marriage equality in a changing...
Woman in gym

Current exemption applications

Exemption application under the Sex Discrimination Act The Australian Human Rights Commission has received an application from CJC Operations Australia Pty Ltd, trading as Curves. This application is made pursuant to s 44 of the Sex Discrimination Act 1984 (Cth) (SDA) and is for an exemption from...